Obligatory Christmas/Life sucks Post...

Dec 21, 2008 20:37

Life is a hallucination.

There's nothing much to it, beyond what you decide to add to it. Of course when I speak of life, I am speaking of life in the Western, English speaking, bible fearing, part of the world. Life in other parts of the world, doesn't share much in common with that statement. Life in the poverty stricken, war torn sections of the third world, isn't really concerned too much with how you perceive it, though those with a decent sense of humor I would wager last a little longer than those without.

Though it can still seem like a hallucination I'm sure.

As someone raised in the (comparatively) rich Western Modernized world, I have found myself less and less often taking for granted what I have, while more and more forgetting why I get to have it and someone else doesn't. I go through my trite and simple luxury moments which believe me, can't be helped when you grow up surrounded by versatile, modern solutions for everyday living.

As I think now about those people who live surrounded by horror's even the most perceptive of us in the modern world cannot even begin to imagine (unless of course, you've seen it first hand), I just find myself numb to the idea of people needing to feel special, and necessary in this world out of Western conceit.

As we approach the Birthday of Jesus Christ, the son of God, or if you are a closet atheist like me and Douglas Adams the birthday of a man who "2,000 years ago got nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be if everyone was nice to each other for a change.", we find ourselves worrying about if the gift we bought our bosses is nice enough, or if the gift we got the person we hate was mean enough, or if we spent too much or too little money on our parents/girlfriend/gay lover/hetero-life mate/pets and how we can get them back for that next year, and...

Well, you get the idea, and it kind of puts our inherited selfishness into perspective.

At least for me.

I don't expect to change mind you, I just like to point it out every time I'm aware that it happens, so y'know, I can convince my Western Mind that sometimes I care...

Merry X-mas
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