Jul 11, 2004 20:29
hey.. today it was okay..i went 2 church as ususally..we out for breakfast w/ my mom mom and my cousin alyssa and we went 2 racetrack and there was radio disney event there yay! and we just missed ralph!.. man.. gary was there.. ugh!.. my next door neighbor she say it b4 "if ya touch my car, i will break yr fingers" my mom was crackin up.. and she laughs hard soo i walked away from gary and tht all.. soo i dont care soo um.. it was fun.. and i see my uncles vince and jed.. it was nice 2 see them... and my cousin sam..... soo.. we went home and dropp my mom mom off.. and then went bak home get my towels.. and then dropp gary off his friend party and we got lost and he made mistake soo we dropp heather and gary off home and we went 2 swim club.. hehe... and i didnt swim bc i was soo tired!.. and i took nap.. and my dad woke me up.. .and i got eat something and then boom home and my s/n has timer soo i was mad soo i use my sisters name soo hers not timer.. soo..... i ate chocolate waffle w/ vanilla ice cream.. it was awesome.. i made it up.. hehe it is soo goody.. hehh.. soo i need 2 hangout w/ my friends oneday... :(... soo... oh well.... soo.. i talked 2 mandy and she and i decided 2 go ova her house in aug and i was like no plm.... :)... and i cant wait 2 go 2 OCNJ!!! w/ mari and diana and me and jim and nicole!... cant wait!.. hehe... lets the fun begins!.. hehe... it will be awesome time!..... sooo... i want 2 go Jump5 Concert!.. :(... i need 2 see them soo badly.... soo... do ya like my layout?? i finally made the pix of jump5 there! whew!... hehe.... sooo.. tht all i have 2 say.. :)...
comment please?
Happy B-day 2 my Godmother Aunt Sharon!..
19 more days to OCNJ!