Jul 11, 2004 12:26
Start time: 12:27pm
Name On Birth Certificate: Sean Patrick Murphy
Nickname: seAnie,duDe and any nicknames tht my friends call me ...
Birthday: October 12, 1987
School: Lincoln high
Email: Isitsaturdayet@aol.com and my pager is DontPressureMe@tmail.com
Color of Eyes: brown
Color of hair: light brown and dirty blond
Shoe size: 9 1/2 or sometimes 10
Brothers/Sisters: 2 sisters
Age of Brothers/Sisters: 15 and 11
YourBedtime: anytime
-------------Have You Ever-------------------------
Been So Drunk You Blacked Out: well.. no...
Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement: no...
Been In A Car Accident: yea.. 3 times i think but it happens
Been Hurt Emotionally: not really..
Cried During A Movie: Just tears
Have A Crush On A Teacher: Yuckers!.. noo!
Been On Stage: YES YES YES!
Shampoo: Any kinds
Soap: Irish Spring
Color: RED!
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: SUmmer
Cartoon Characters: Tinkerbell and Peter Pan
Fave Food: Salad,pizza.
Fave Movie: Horror movies and Comedy movies
Fave Ice Cream: Coffee
Fave Subject: writing and english and math i guess...
Fave Drink: diet pepsi,lemonade,ice tea,green tea,water!
Fave Person: um... all my friends...
---------------------Right Now-----------------------
Wearing: Jump5 shirt
Drinking: Pink Lemonade
Thinkin About: jump5!
Listening To: Jump5 Songs!
Talking To: no 1.
------------------In The Last 24 HRS--------------
Cried: no...
Worn A Skirt: HELL NO!
Met Someone New: nothing, i guess.
Done Laundry: yes
Driven A Car: yes
-----------Do You Believe-----------------------------
Yourself: Yeah
Your Friends: Sometimes
Santa Clauses: when I was kid, yeah but now PLEASEE!
Tooth Fairy: No
Destiny/Fate: sometimes i guess so
Angels: yes
Ghosts: yes
UFO's: Huh?
Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No
Who Have You Known The Longest Of Your Friends: Diana and Jim and Mari.. and all my friends
Who's The Loudest: Frankie Talanco
Who's The Shyest: um.. no 1..
Who's The Weridest: i guess all ppl are weirdo.. so they proud 2 be werido.
What's The Feeling In The World: i feel nothing.
Finish time: 12:37pm