Flames...flames....flames on the side of my face!

Dec 18, 2008 14:23

I've been on a HUGE Madeline Kahn kick lately. Rediscovering some great movies (Clue, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, History Of The World), and even better, finding gems that I hadn't been familiar with (What's Up Doc?, High Anxiety, Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother, Cheap Detective, Paper Moon). God bless Ms. Kahn. You are greatly missed. God bless Netflix. What would I do without you? Probably have a life.

I keep telling myself to get back into "blogging" and then I get lazy, or decide to watch a movie instead. Well now there is no turning back! Though I think I might have to cross-post my livejournal to an outlet that people actually read these days. I love my LJ, but I don't think its quite as popular as it used to be...

The last time I wrote I was planning a cross-country trip across the USA, had just bought a new Jeep and was happily working at the Kinsale Inn and loving every minute of it. Excuse me while I laugh right now....hahahahahahaha. OK, I'm good.....The trip never happened because once again I succumbed to another season at super-sucking vacuum known as the Beverly Yacht Club and before I knew it, September had arrived....I was broke and still living at home. The car I bought in March, I smashed up in the parking lot at the Kinsale. It's all good now but my insurance sky-rocketed which is awesome, especially when, you know, have no money. The Kinsale Inn got progressively worse. The money was AMAZING but people got fired, drama ensued, one of the managers clearly disliked me and I apparently got black-listed for some reason. And despite all the crap I dealt with at the end of my tenure there, I still tried to get my job back in September. Pathetic, huh? But it was clear that my services were not needed. Oh well. What else can I say? Probably a few choice swear words to further detail my feelings for that wretched place. POOP.

So I found myself, once again, questioning what the hell I was doing with my life. Contemplated running away, but then realized that I had no money so that probably wouldn't work. Contemplated moving out, but see previous sentence. Contemplated attempting another winter in Key West, but then remembered the dramatic fashion that I left the island 2 years ago. Yikes. Contemplated quitting the BYC, but then every time I tried to, I found some excuse not to even though it was (and still is) clear that that place is the reason I was (am) in the situation I was then (and still today). Contemplated unemployment and even made it to the office, but about 10 minutes too late. On the way back from the unemployment agency, I scored a job at the Crane Brook Restaurant & Tea Room. But don't look at it as a "blessing in disguise" because as much as I love that job (and I really and seriously mean it this time so no jinxing this time around, please) I'm still in the same goddamn position that I've been for the same couple of years...

BLERG! Someday I will get the confidence I need to do something I should have done last year. Someday soon. I have it worked out so perfectly in my head but those situations never seem to play out the way I want them to when attempting them in real life.  I know this sounds "oh so dramatic". I'm aware of that. Trust me. And I know that there are people out there with it worse then me, 10 times worse, 100 times worse, whatever. But what it comes down is, I have to move on or I will be stuck living at home when I'm 30 years old, schlepping trays at some random restaurant even more bitter and unhappy then I am right now. Code word for all this: I'm-way eaving-lay the acht-yay ub-clay. I'm having "the talk" with my boss soon. He doesn't know this yet, but it's going to happen. One more summer. Peace out, cub scout.  And I'm serious when I say this. I've said the exact same thing the past two years. I have an idea of what I'll be doing in September, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet for fear that once I start blabbing about it, it will all fall apart or I might change my mind and then find it harder to explain myself.

So after all that, I welcome myself back to the blogging community. And must tie this up, because I'm off to...you guessed it...the yacht club! Oh, the irony.

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