Jul 29, 2006 13:42
So I just realized today that not one person has quit or not shown up this week at Red Fish. I think that just may be a record....
Work is actually going really well. I've been making some good money and having some fun while doing it. I ended up going in early on Wednesday to see if I could do some work in the kitchen and I ended up pulling a double expo-ing, which is fine with me, except the whole over 100 degrees in the kitchen thing. I love the guys in the kitchen. Even though there is the language barrier, we still have a good time back there. I only had a couple serving shifts this week but one of them was cut short since I wasn't needed. Whoooo doggie! And this week I have ZERO serving shifts. Count it! ZERO! I'm so happy about that. It's not that I don't like to serve....oh who am I kidding! All bartending shifts this week. I asked one of my managers why that happened and he just told me to keep doing what I'm doing and doing it well and something might happen. Then a couple nights ago I hung out with said manager after work and after a few drinks he mentioned some other stuff...he was drunk though, so we'll see if he was truthing or not.
Today I finally got a chance to go into Red Fish and doing some more training stuff for management. I learned how to check orders in, do some ordering of fish and see what has to be done for prep work. Then, I actually got to do some prep work which was exciting. I made remoulade! I was actually nervous, because you know me and numbers and measuring stuff...I have issues. I got some knife lessons, because I forgot everything I learned back in Food Management 150. It took me a while but my finished product was very good. I definitely have a lot more to learn but this is just another step.
I've been kinda boring lately, which is probably for the best. A lot of nights I'll just come home after work and chill. Last night I even fired up the stove and made mac and cheese. Lots of nights I've been asleep by midnight too. I did manage to go to a party down the street a few nights ago, but after a few games of flip cup I just wasn't feeling it so I went home. Tomorrow is my day off. I think I have plans with some people from work to go out in the afternoon and paint the town red. I just want to sleep though....I requested next weekend off so I can go up to Tampa and see a couple Red Sox games while they're in town. HOPEFULLY, I'll get those days off. I need some time to get off the rock and seeing the Red Sox will make me real happy.
Alright, time to watch Gameday since Fox is showing the frickin' Braves and Mets game down here in FLA. Boo to Saturdays being national baseball blackouts day. Peace!