fic: baby, we'll be fine

Jan 19, 2012 16:08

i can't believe that the first thing i finally finish/post is this stupid little fic.

baby, we’ll be fine
kurt/blaine, pg-13, 1450 words

spoilers: 3x11, but nothing outside of the promo
warnings: insecure!blaine, h/c
summary: Kurt looks past Blaine’s open-mouthed expression to furrow his eyebrows at Puck sort of incredulously, both at the mangled insult and the sentiment behind it.
author’s note: inspired by this, except sort of AUish because it kind of disregards the context of Michael, and i know that this’ll be jossed as soon as the episode airs. this is just a quick thing that wouldn't leave my head after seeing the promo. i'm not entirely happy with my characterization here, or several other things, so feel free to call me out on anything you don't like. title belongs to The National.

It gets out that Blaine’s been seeing the Warblers, is still friends with them, which - of course he is, those guys were Blaine’s safe haven, Kurt’s never really expected him to stop seeing them. But the rest of the glee club don’t know Blaine or the Warblers the way Kurt does, haven’t seen the way they treat Blaine outside of competitions, and the whole Jesse St James/Vocal Adrenaline mess still feels fresh to some of them sometimes. Kurt knows that, and he knows that the hostility Finn’s been directing at Blaine all year has sort of subtly bred this environment where unfairly snarking at Blaine is okay, regardless of Finn’s apologies.

When Puck calls Blaine a modern day eggs benedict, Kurt looks past Blaine’s open-mouthed expression to furrow his eyebrows at Puck sort of incredulously, both at the mangled insult and the sentiment behind it.

Mr Schuester cuts in and back to the topic at hand before Kurt can come to his senses enough to retaliate. He reaches across and takes Blaine’s hand, and when Blaine looks at him Kurt squeezes it and twists his mouth sympathetically.

Blaine’s subdued through the rest of rehearsal and the car ride back to Kurt’s. Kurt doesn’t push it because he knows his bedroom is a better setting to talk it out. He’s actually kind of relieved that they’re going to talk about this, because Blaine’s commented on Finn’s or Santana’s behaviour when his frustration gets the better of him, but he’s pretty good at keeping his frustration to himself, and with NYADA and his father’s campaign and his own campaign and the play, Kurt’s been distracted, they’ve both been distracted. So Kurt hasn’t pushed, and he didn’t even get to go after Blaine when he’d reached his breaking point the week before Sectionals. Finn had held Kurt back with an arm and said, “Dude, I think it would be better for the team if I - ” and when Kurt had glared at him, he’d looked guilty and said, “I think I have an apology to make, you know?”

So Kurt had let him go. And he hates that Puckerman said what he did, hates that New Directions won’t be consistent about accepting Blaine, but he’s glad for the opportunity to address it.

Blaine doesn’t say anything when they’re in Kurt’s room, though. He sits in the middle of Kurt’s bed, legs crossed and hands clasped in his lap, and bites his lip and doesn’t say anything. And Kurt thinks that he probably prefers it when Blaine’s angry, when he can’t keep himself in check, because the way he folds in on himself when he’s hurt is kind of heartbreaking.

Kurt sighs and climbs onto the bed, kneeling beside him. “You know,” he says conversationally. “I always want to hear about how you’re feeling.”

“I know,” Blaine says quickly. “I just - it’s pretty stupid, right?”

“No,” Kurt says. “I don’t think so.”

“It’s just that - ” Blaine says, eyes down on his hands. “I don’t know what I did, you know? And I mean, it’s not like I have this pathological need to be liked - ” he looks up to see Kurt’s raised eyebrow like he’s expecting it, and smiles faintly. “Okay. Maybe a little. But it’s just - they’re your friends, Kurt. I want them to - it’s pretty important that they like me. Right?”

He’s looking at Kurt with these huge, serious eyes, such a confused and kicked-puppy expression on his face, and Kurt’s stomach feels heavy. He has to swallow down the lump in his throat. “No,” Kurt says, reaching over and taking Blaine’s hands. “It’s not. Not really.”

Blaine tilts his head slightly and lifts the inside corners of his ridiculously endearing eyebrows and looks even more confused. Kurt doesn’t even know how to explain this.

“They’re my friends, and I love them,” Kurt says. “Well. Most of them. But honestly, Blaine, nobody in that room - not one of them could tell how much I was hurting last year. I never felt like anyone cared until I met you. And before last year, you know, Puck used to toss me in dumpsters every day, Santana called me offensive names whenever she thought of it, and I was invisible to most of the rest of them most of the time. I understand if you want them to like you, I get that, but honestly, their usually misguided opinions are really not that important to me.”

“Oh,” Blaine says, clearly surprised. He closes his eyes for a moment and squeezes Kurt’s hands. Finally he says, “I guess part of it is also I just want them to like me. That’s not too narcissistic, right?”

Kurt shakes his head no, lets Blaine sigh and continue.

“I just don’t understand why sometimes they seem to like me, and when we’re performing everything’s cool, but then they treat me like I’m - ” he makes this noise of frustration, raising one of their joined hands to rub at his eyes with the back of his. It’s pretty adorable.

“That’s the New Directions for you,” Kurt says, letting go of his hands and pulling Blaine’s legs out of their folded up position. “Fickle to a fault.”

Blaine groans and drops back, his head falling onto Kurt’s pillow. Kurt wastes absolutely no time in crawling up beside him, entwining their legs and resting his cheek on Blaine’s chest. Blaine’s arms come around him immediately, automatically, and Kurt thinks that this is one of his favourite parts about his post-sex relationship with Blaine, that just cuddling like this comes so naturally to them now. Also sex, though, sex is probably, definitely his actual favourite part.

He really shouldn’t be thinking about sex whilst he’s trying to assuage Blaine’s hurt feelings.

Kurt twists his neck, propping his chin up on Blaine’s chest so that they can see each other. “For the record, I don’t understand it either,” he says. “At all, actually. Outside of maybe my parents, you’re the best person I’ve ever known, and I just feel like they’re complete morons if they want to deny themselves the pleasure of knowing you.”

Blaine’s smiling softly, his fingers tracing faint patterns along Kurt’s arms and back. “You’re the best person I’ve ever known, too,” he says, his voice cracking a little. Kurt still can’t believe it when that happens, the audible proof that he makes this beautiful, amazing boy feel so much. It’s everything he thought he’d never have. Blaine’s arms tighten a little more around Kurt and his eyes flutter closed. “I’m sorry I’m being so insecure,” he says in a tiny voice.

Kurt feels this insane flare of heat, like he just wants to wrap Blaine up from everything that could ever hurt him. But he can’t, so he does the next best thing. He pulls himself out of Blaine’s arms and lifts up, shifting so that he’s lying between Blaine’s legs and hovering above his chest, his arms bracketing Blaine’s. Blaine sort of gasps, but Kurt is too focused on correcting him to react to that yet.

“Do you seriously think I don’t understand where you’re coming from? Blaine, you went from being the hero of the Warblers to this, and you’re not even trying to be the things they’re accusing you of. You’re not the bad guy, and you’re absolutely free to talk to me about whatever horrible thing you’re feeling. I thought we were past apologising for that.”

“I guess we are,” Blaine says, and he actually sounds kind of breathless, which makes Kurt notice that Blaine’s eyes are trained on his mouth. He licks his bottom lip experimentally, and Blaine takes in a sharp breath. Kurt lowers himself so that their chests are flush together and Blaine’s mouth is within reach.

“And regardless,” Kurt says softly, almost breathless himself, “I’m always on your side.”

Later, Kurt will have another talk with Finn about how being a leader means making sure all members of the group feel comfortable and accepted at all times, not just when it benefits him. Tomorrow, he’ll have words with Puckerman, and he’ll - say something in glee, or he’ll get the girls and Mike, those who’ve treated Blaine decently, to sing something with him, or - or something. For now, though, he leans in and kisses Blaine, who sucks Kurt’s bottom lip into his mouth and thrusts his hips up, and he decides that actually, maybe thinking about sex while trying to assuage Blaine’s hurt feelings is exactly what they should be doing.

kurt/blaine, fic

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