Why isn't Dick Cheney in jail yet?!

Feb 16, 2010 00:34

Okay, I get it, Dick Cheney is the former vice dictator of the United States, but he was through-and-through evil.  He has, since leaving the White House, admitted that the war in Iraq was basically a fraud, and now admits to being a war criminal.  Why isn't this bigger news? WHY? I hate the American media and the way they make legitimate headlines out of celebrity catastrophes but can't seem to find the space to post an article entitled "HAI GUYZ, YOUR FORMER VICE PREZ SAID HE KNOWINGLY SPENT UR TAXPAYER DOLLARS ON AN ILLEGITIMATE WAR. HIPPIEZ 1, REPUBLICANS 0."

People should be angry.  People should be REALLY fucking angry. Instead, they are wondering if Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston are really in some creepy love triangle scenario.

We used to be like this:

This is a country I would be proud of. Instead, now we're like this:

Four people. FOUR. And yes, I am aware that there have been bigger protests, but frankly if you try to compare the reactions to the two wars, there's really no contest as to which unjustified war got the attention it deserved.

I really need to move to Europe.

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