Title: Bad Liar
Prompt: “Banter”
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Setting: Just after 2.01
“So who’s Gray?” Ianto enquires.
“I’ve said it’s nothing.”
“You’re lying.”
“How can you say I’m lying?”
“You do that eye twitch whenever you’re dishonest.”
Jack gives Ianto a contemptuous glare. Now who’s the cheeky one? “So who’s Gray?” Ianto queries with a smirk. Ianto observes Jack’s sharply etched facial features writhe in concentration. But there it is again. That subtle movement. When his bright pupils, never devoid of life but brimming with dangerous mystery, twitch up to the left and reach for the sky.
“So,” Jack asks, with extra eagerness and a dash of a grin. “How was that?”
Title: Check
Prompt: “Square”
Characters: Dawn, Spike
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Setting: Season 5 and 7 generally
Dawn watched his nimble fingers take assiduous hold of the square checkers piece and place it down on the board. Another move. She always pondered how he could cradle a piece so gently, yet tear a demon in half. His divine grace chafed by intriguing mystery drew her in while he presented her a smoothly satisfied grin.
That one squared scene flickers dimly through Dawn’s mind. The light she once admired when she saw him had been swallowed brutally by hard darkness. After what he did to her sister, Dawn deliberated, how can she get back to that once again?
Title: What If
Prompt: “Curiosity Killed the Cat”
Pairing: Nate/Jenny
Rating: PG
Setting: Season 1
Word Count: 100
“If you could choose another life, what kind of person would you be?” she asks. He pauses for serene thought.
“Could it include a dominatrix?”
“Nathaniel Archibald!” Jenny gasps in mock horror. “What ever will your mother say?”
The two chuckle in merriment while Nate’s mind drifts, watching her tender figure recover from giggles. He retains his eyes on her lean frame, flowing hair and unsophisticated chuckle. Her. He basks in this moment, without any effort he observes the answer. He knows.
He knows.
But he comprehends in wounded realisation, Blair can never discover, never know.
“So what’ll it be?”
Title: Fire and Water
Prompt: “Elements”
Characters: Claire, Zach
Rating: G
Setting: Early S1
Summary: Claire is hurting and only Zach is there to share her pain.
Word Count: 100
She tests her limits. First she’d attempt fire. Before she was tentative, but nowadays she’s ruthless. Burning determination ignites in her eyes. That determination just to prove that any dreams she thought she had nearly grasped, hadn’t fought their way out of her reach. Then he does it.
With a quick step, Zach gently takes the scolding hot water from her hands and replaces it with his hold. They lock eyes for one precise moment, she sees him feel the wounds vehemently remerge. While Claire’s eyes are fire, Zach’s are water, soothing her down.
Saying everything’s going to be okay.