[Scans] Kis-My-Ft2, Sexy Zone, Toma Ikuta, Hikaru, Johnnys West ~ various mags

Feb 04, 2014 21:52

DL Kisumai scans  here

DL Endless SHOCK (Koichi Domoto, Yara Tomoyuki, 4U), Toma Ikuta, Sexy Zone (Kento & Fuma), Hikaru Yaotome, Johnnys West, Shark, Shoruka scans  here

★ Hello, if you want to re-post the magazine scans to other sites or do translation, please credit yoshiko_mama@ LJ, or included a link to this post. Please do not claim the scans as your own! Thank you for the understanding :)

★ 若要分享扫图到自己的博客 / 微博 / 其他网站上,或做翻译,请归功于yoshiko_mama@LJ。或直接链接到这篇文章。请勿把yoshiko_mama辛苦扫的图当作是你自己的功劳。谢谢 :)

endless shock, sexy zone, kis-my-ft2, johnnys west, hikaru yaotome, toma ikuta

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