DL Kisumai scans
here DL Kyomoto Taiga, Tanaka Juri, Kouchi Yugo, Kentaro Yasui, Travis Japan (Myuto Morita, Noeru Kawashima, Ryuya Shimekake, Hiroki Nakada), Kanju (Tōma Kaneuchi, Nozomu Kotaki), Shark, Playzone in Nissay scans
here DL Katori Shingo, Toma Ikuta, Tackey & Tsubasa, KATTUN, A.B.C-Z, Sexy Zone scans
here ★ Hello, if you want to re-post the magazine scans to other sites or do translation, please credit yoshiko_mama@ LJ, or included a link to this post. Please do not claim the scans as your own! Thank you for the understanding :)
★ 若要分享扫图到自己的博客 / 微博 / 其他网站上,或做翻译,请归功于yoshiko_mama@LJ。或直接链接到这篇文章。请勿把yoshiko_mama辛苦扫的图当作是你自己的功劳。谢谢 :)