Long Time

Oct 24, 2008 10:59

Ah, there's nothing quite like the games industry to make you forget that you have a home life. I was here at the office until 11pm last night, got home around quarter past midnight, had just enough time for a shower and sleep and now I'm back here again at 10am this morning.
Although, 11pm is nothing compared to what some other people have to do. I know for a fact that one of my colleagues was here until after midnight last night, or the stories I've heard of people staying until 4am or not going home at all until 11am the next morning. Sometimes for several weeks.
Still, 11pm is a personal record for me, so that's got to be not worthy at least. Hurray for long hours! \o/ They don't tell you about that in the brochure. Ironically, I think going home at stupid o'clock actually lets me get more sleep at night as I don't end up lurking on the 'net until 2am like I always do.

Though I gotta say, it's kinda nice walking around the streets at midnight. It's all nice and quiet and sort of peaceful. Well, peaceful until I get jumped by some machete wielding psycho, but that hasn't happened yet, so it's all good so far.
Besides, I laugh at all the people who are in bed by midnight. Pfft, bed by midnight - what crazy planet are these people from to have such a messed up schedule? Honestly.

work, ramble

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