Ding Fries Are Done

Jul 30, 2007 22:46

Auughhh. God damn freaking programmer-nerd-types and their freaking opinions. >_< Usually, at least up until now, I've been trying to avoid reading all the spam that gets sent around on the internal office email. Usually it's just the folks there putting in their two cents about some topic every now and again. That's usually fine, and I've never really bothered paid much attention what they all think.
That is until recently, when a lack of stuff to do has left me searching for anything that I can find. Possibly, the same could be said about my colleagues who are also in a similar situation as I am. Their discussion about the kind of things that are brought up on that mailing list has now inevitably drawn my attention to it too.

Now, I'm all for people having their own opinions. After all, in a perfect world, every would be intelligent enough to have a mind of their own, so it is almost expected that people would be able to think for themselves. But these god damn nerds are really starting to grind at me the wrong way. >_< On and on, over some of the most banal and trivial things at time too. Now, the artist folks in the office, they're all cool about everything. They almost never see it necessary to argue anything, and even on the rare occasion that they do, they're usually pretty zen about it. They're quite happy to sit back and observe all points of view and make their own assessments on their own.
But not some of these programmer types. Oooh now. >___< Damn geeks and their this-is-my-opinion-therefore-it-is-the-only-opinion-and-if-you-disagree-you-are-wrong attitude. Sure, they'll never say it like that so overtly, but you can pretty much tell that some people exude it whenever they open their mouth. It's like, hey, okay, you guys have an opinion. Good for you. BUT STOP TRYING TO SHOVE IT DOWN EVERYONE'S THROAT. o_o Seriously, some people just need to learn to Shut. \o_o\ The. /o_o/ Fuck. \o_o\ Up. \o_o/

Aaah, I feel better now. \:3/ Oh, but speaking of things that need to shut up, my left shoe has started squeaking every time I take a step. o_O I have no idea what's causing it or how to make it cease, but it's clearly audible. And it's starting to annoying other people when I'm walking with them too. >_> I'll give it to the end of the week to try figuring it out before busting out the new shoes. AH HA! TAKE THAT! >:3

And now for something completely different.

How To Make Lols
Step 1: Create something that's original and slightly unusual.
Step 2: Upload it onto YouTube.
Step 3: Witness all of the epic lulz

Ah, the internet. You sure can be a cruel mistress sometimes. Come to think of it though, that guy in the original clip kind of looks a little like... No... No, it couldn't be. X3

ramble, rant, links, chocolate rain

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