Losing Time

Jun 03, 2007 21:24

There's always something about looking back at the past that can send a shiver up your spine. When you look at others who've been before you and at what they have achieved with their time, and then you look at where they are now, it can serve as a poignant reminder that you too have to do something worthwhile with your time while you still have it. In essence, it's a reminder that you too will grow old and you're going to have to live with yourself as you age.

I used to always think that growing up and growing old were things that you'd just get used to - that it was something that as straightforward as walking. But, for me at least, growing up has been something that, by and large, has been something I've tried hard not to do.
Trying to not be too serious all the time was the kind of thing you'd do to get out of looking, or being, like you're wound up too tight, and in a way it helped you fit in with the "cool kids". As time moves forward, however, that brand of goofing off only leaves you further behind the pack when it comes to handling yourself, and that only brings about things like regret and insecurity. So if it's causing so many problems, why still do it? It's hard to say. I would have thought it's just a case of habit, but I think they explain it the best:

Dr Craig Willcox: Very much you can think about ageing as a process of coping with loss. You lose your abilities in your body and your sensory losses. There’s losses in your social networks. So people who can deal with this loss can I think have a lot better chance of ageing well, ageing better.
For me, letting go of the past has never been an easy thing to do. Be it sentimental things of physiological things, I've always had second thoughts about turfing anything from as far back as I can remember. Getting used to loss, let alone coping with it hasn't come easy. Obviously, things are going to come and go as time goes by, though I can't help but feel responsible for seeing some things disappear.
I think I probably would prefer to not move foward than to give up aspects of my past. I have this crazy thought in the back of my head that tells me that the less I gain from this point on, the less I stand to lose. As much as that may make mathematical sense, it's still a stupid way of thinking.
I suppose I should learn to deal with it sooner rather than later. It'd be nicer to have something to look forward to than it is to be worrying about things that are out of your control.

Anyway, I'm getting a brand new computer tomorrow. \:3/ I probably would have had it today if I wasn't so blind as to notice that the CPL in Notting Hill had moved across the road. Seriously, there's a huge sign out the front of it now and yesterday I managed to drive past it twice without noticing. Hurray for being short sighted! \o/
But yeah, this old computer needs replacing anyway. In a if-I-keep-using-it-it'll-probably-have-a-meltdown-and-burn-the-neighbours-to-the-ground. Seriously, never buying Abit motherboards again. >_> I also notice that CPL no longer stock Abit motherboards in their inventory. Perhaps that is an indication to the quailty of said products. crazy dance track with foreign lyrics, and that's a crazy dance track with foreign lyrics AND crazy misheard subtitles. :D d

ramble, musings

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