(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 22:34

Aw man, this whole job application thingamijig is really starting to fuck with my head. The other night I had this dream about it being the first day of classes again - high school classes. Only thing was that it was at night, or it was heavily overcast - I don't remember too clearly, all I remember was that it was really, really dark. And then when it came to my second day of class, I couldn't remember if they started in the morning like they should, or if they really did start in the evening, so I had a bit of a dilemma of the prospect of going either being horribly early by about 5 hours, or horribly late by about 5 hours. Yah, I dunno, that was a crazy dream. Perhaps it was a bit of a coincidence that this week was the first back-to-school week for a lot of kids too, but I try not to read too much into that.
I also realised that I still had my name set to "Yoshi Freak" on my Hotmail account, which is what I was using to send off most of applications. So if a potential employer didn't look closely enough, they might think that that was my proper name. Like this reply I got today from one of my unsuccessful applications. Bastards. >_> I hope they were just being smart arses though. :B Well shit, I hope I didn't just waste the last two weeks because I was too dumb with my e-mail details. >_< FUCKERS!

I finally made a start on colouring that picture last night after procrastinating for the past 3. I'm not too fond of colouring on my laptop; the LCD screen is a bit too bright so it's hard to see the contrast on the colours I choose sometimes. However, this does also force me to pick colours that do contrast a bit more and the last time I did that, the picture looked a fair bit nicer when I viewed on my regular monitor. So, how knows? Maybe it'll turn out nice this time too. :3
Man, I sure am going to miss the boat crew when I actually do get a job. Damn reality ruining the happy life. >_< Although Allen was around today and we managed to do a bit of work on that web site thingamijig. That seems to be going okay. And from the sounds of it, I might be able to make a bit of pocket money out it too. :D Sooo, as a result, today's the longest I've gone for without logging into GW. I seem to be having more success at "taking a break from that game" this week than I did last week. It's good in a way, I suppose. But it's only good by someone else's standards. >_>

Anywa, right now I feel like mashing the keyboard, so please ignore the rest of this. Or better yet, I'll just stick it behind a cut. earjhtap u4yPWAW*IUP TY {WLKsegjdn":LKZWUJ{Q #t9uw {84uyPW43O88yu2q[03872p98weua;sfdkjzxnbo vasuydlkjwertp uayerfpwaepp usad pw4yp987873p498&SR -p7283 P92873PSIUDHaCsp08132-P108ae awe8uypa2987098217=1`8274 wsef;oaisjzd.zzndwsa08[ yu[t8uu picjgj ;kjhdsfg3w4tp9 848734062SDF [ewiuapi;KJ[o2ieu[sdafaw3231ewrawe swdf asdASLAKJsfdsad;d ;asp834238 wsPxkjmncx nsdxcq3r209ew08duiunak;;jreslznfdc..mv zs;dcxkjv,n awdfdszljvcxuhjnb,x v.kejargzdfdAWEFDFVX XZDSPSAOUDZCXLKJHVBX ME SFLDJKXLKJDHSFG;sdlkjccnx f;kjxnxcl lfuxhesd;fdhcjndzfgliuaw4pyawiusdkjlzscn,x,
Mmm, theraputic. :3

ramble, employment, dreams

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