Jul 14, 2009 13:45

Can Rules Define Morality? Journal 20
Autonomous and non-autonomous ethics
Maxim, universal law, and the categorical imperative
Applying the categorical imperative
When duties conflict

Is Ethics based on virtue? Journal 21
The distinction between ethical theories such as utilitarianism and Kantianism versus virtue theories is that while the latter deal with ethics set by predetermined laws, rules meant to be done in a certain manner. While virtue theories are meant to lead an individuals life on experiences and the practice of righteous living. Moral theories that are principle or rule based as opposed to those that are character-based are solely different in the way that they approach a virtuous way of living. The principles set a strict set of rules and steps that I believe are much easier to follow instead of coming to understand right and wrong from our own action led consequences. Eudemonia, while it is sometimes translated as happiness or joy it is not usually defined by those actual feelings or words. It is a Greek word that is better translated as ‘a worthwhile life’, or a life that is ‘wholesome’ in the sense that it was lived as a virtuously.
Aristotle’s theory of virtues
The issue or relativity in regard to virtue theories and the weakness of such theories in evaluating or guiding actions

Moral dilemmas - can ethics help? Journal 22
Moral dilemmas affect everyone at least once a day, and are only natural in our everyday living. They better define the character of our being by the actions we take to deduce
those dilemmas to minimal situations. Kantian considerations for resolving a moral dilemma regard the respect and dignity of the autonomous being capable of making a decision.
On the other hand the Utilitarian considerations for resolving a moral dilemma calculate the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. As this view proves a great worth for society and should always be taken into consideration, it also becomes heart wrenching when the decision to better help a greater number gives you or your family great grief.
Virtue ethics considerations for resolving a moral dilemma
Decidability and the resolution of moral dilemmas will always prove difficult, as moral dilemmas do not discriminate as they occur in every possible situation and in every profession. The process of finding solutions to those dilemmas is finding a sweet balance or the right ethical way to make a final decision. It should prove virtuous, finding the resolution to dilemmas as they better our understanding and give us wisdom.

What justifies the state? Journal 23
The social contract theory of the state
Hobbe’s argument for absolutism
Locke’s view of the state of nature and the purpose of government
Hume’s attack on social contract theory.
Rawls’ new social contract theory of government
Communitarian theories of government

What is justice? Journal 24
The difference between retributive and distributive justice
Egalitarian theories of distributive justice
Justice based on merit
The socialist form of justice
Rawl’s views on justice and social welfare
Nozick’s view on justice as liberty
The problem of international justice

What is art? Journal 25
The imitation or mimesis theory of art
Plato’s criticism of art
The expressive theory of art
The formalist theory of art
Danto’s “end of art’ theory
The concept of an artworld and Dickie’s theory of art

psychology 101

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