Title: Yes, My Master (Chapter 8)
Author: Me
Pairing: InooBu
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: InooBu own each other.
Words Count: 3,482.
Warning: Terrible grammar, so many weird sentences please bear with me lol
Summary: A crazy love story between a silly servant and a childish master. <----- New summary XD still lame I know
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*off to read*
And the candy fighting, they're so childish, it's so cute!!!
and the kiss accident, and the kiss Yabu start... I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THE KISS! >.<
So, Yabu already realises that he loves Kei, doesn't he? XD
Really love it Kanou-chan<3<3<3
and the kiss! because i think it's already chapter 8 so i think they need some sweet XD
I don't know if he realize since he still in love with Dai-chan..
I'm glad that you love it <333
Hee? What do you mean he's still in love with dai-chan...? What makes him kissing Kei then....?
But.. but.... There's still a chance for yabu to choose Dai-chan right? please don't make Kei sad, pleasa make yabu choose Kei instead ;_; Dai-chan is only meant for Yuuyan XD
maybe no tadaiki, but let's see somehow i will change my mind hehe XD
Just, please don't make Kei suffering too much :(
I'm so looking forward to it :D
Hmm.. It will be alright for him in my story, but I can't promise you a non-heartbreaking story tho ._.
Well you got it right.. it will be hard for Hika-chan :( But I won't make it too hard for him unlike the original story~
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