Jun 20, 2005 22:05
I'm tired of being a girl.
I'm tired of feeling like as a female I have to be a sex object and obtain a certain level of sexiness in order to have any real worth in the world.
I know that sounds like a total exaggeration and a stupid thing to say, but I fucking seriously think that that's how society determines girls' value.
And I know that guys say they feel the same, but I really don't think it's to the same degree. at all.
I don't know. Not that I think I'm ugly or "not good enough" or anything like that. And not that I really care what society thinks of me, because usually I don't. It's just getting to me tonight for some reason. And I'm tired of these subliminal messages. They're EVERYWHERE, and really fucking annoying.
Maybe I'll let myself go and get really fugly just to SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS.
or I could try to conform more.
sighhhhhh I don't know.
Am I the only one pissed off by all this?