Sep 05, 2009 23:58
Oh noes they're trying to get me again! The Landmark people that is...The friend that tried to get me to go is trying to make me go to another one of their 'events'...and has since been joined by another friend of ours in Landmark Forum cultyess. I've ranted at length in a previouspost about Landmark, so theres no need to repeat it again. However I managed to completely derail that conversation by mentioning cosplay =D It wins over all!
Um yea sleepy and feeling random, but my day was quite random anyway. I was sitting down today in an attempt to be studious, and got a message asking if I wanted to go to a 'silent rave' at Fed Square. The idea was that everyone would load a specific track onto their ipods/phones/ mp3 players and dance to it, listening through their headphones, with the main purpose of scaring the public =3 It actually was kind of bad and didn't work, but this adventure ended up with icecream and sticky photos, so I really have no complaints =p
Mmm and speaking of cosplay, tomorrow a friend and I are going to get all bandaged and bloody and have an X photoshoot we'd been planning to do for ages. I have an old long black coat I don't mind destroying, so we are thinking to trying and recreate some of the images from the X artbook=p
Anyone got any good methods for making fake blood?
yes it is random