the grim, grim north

Mar 28, 2009 20:05

tired. tired. oh so tired.
i will post tomorrow about the London/Eastbourne madness. i was supposed to see Emily, yes, but seeing as she never answered any of my calls, i had nowhere to go. (no, i won't ever speak to her again.) decided it was cheaper to come back to York for a few days, rather than staying in a last-minute hostel in London. i've seen everything in London that i can think of seeing (sometimes twice) and back here i have internet, a free bed, and quiet. good for reading, not that i would know yet, haha. oh, but there is nothing like being on a train and pulling into York. the most comforting feeling!
came back Thursday afternoon. talked to Lauren the Canadian for about three and a half hours. about all sorts of things, but mainly how we're getting home, how we will survive being home, and how quickly we can move back here. that sort of stuff. she, more than anyone else i know, can wholly relate to my exchange experience. there was much laughter and many tears. the days are countable, and it isn't good.
afterwards, took it easy. watched Mistresses and The Justin Lee Collins Show. slept in a little the next day. Chris spoke to his dad about having me over, so around noon i headed to Laughton.
and oh, what a time we had. for fourteen quid, a return trip to Laughton was so worth it. even to just see Chris for one more day. met him, then promptly snogged a bit walked the dogs. went to the pub with his dad to meet up with Shanne (the adorable local, remember her?) she is one of a kind, and i'm definitely going to miss her. it was weird, Chris could play pool with Garrick (he's getting good too) and leave me to talk with his dad and Shanne and other locals and everything went smoothly. i love talking to them, they're all so friendly and have quite hilarious stories to share. Shanne encourages me to come back more often, for curry night, for Thai night, for Greek night at a Greek restaurant, for this for that - it's so endearing. i simply love being in Laughton!
after Kath was done work, i helped her out with the horses for awhile before we drove to Meadowhall. went into the most enormous shopping mall (really, didn't think England had places like that) for dinner and a movie. ate at a lovely Italian - the top part of the food court is designed to look like an outside street with little cafes and windows and plants - where i had yummy giant ravioli with goat's cheese and red peppers. it's funny to think i've only been to Chris's dad's three times, because we already feel comfortable together there. dinner was really nice. went to see Watchmen. ouf, what a strange one. less clever than it tried to be, but aesthetically pleasing. played on the stereotypical geek-gets-the-girl-and-makes-all-the-comic-book-reading-boys-happy idea, but i forgave it. besides, was an excuse to stare at Billy Crudup and Matthew Goode, ahaha. the theatres in England are so different. this one was really big, with nice waiting areas. the seats in the theatre were wider, and actually reclined. all their adverts are rated (PG/A/U, etc.) and their trailers are mixed in. i didn't mind the movie, on the whole - wouldn't see it again - but it was way, way too long. thankful to get home and crawl into a warm bed.
this morning, after tasty breakfast (and listening to Chris again justify to me why he "needs" a slow cooker, haha) Kath and Keith brought us to Sheffield station. i said a trembled goodbye to Chris at the platform, and came back to York. Britain has been very windy lately. all of it. London, Eastbourne, Laughton, York, it's ridiculous. rather grey and rainy today too. perfect for travelling or staying inside.
picked up some food (finally!) and settled into my room. just been busy watching Private Practice and Brothers & Sisters while occasionally reading The Iliad, talking to Chris, and sorting out future travel plans. not going to Anna's anymore, as she's busy when i'd come, so i'll actually be staying in York until Tuesday. then it's an early train to Luton, and flying to Bordeaux!
all i want to do now is go take a warm shower...

weather, food, television, england, friends, travels, boys

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