Mar 02, 2009 19:08
i love cooking. for me, every new recipe begins with me sitting at the computer to copy it down off the internet to a piece of loose leaf paper, to be filed alphabetically, in the proper category, in my binder- 60 of them now, and still counting. they are waterstained, vanilla extract stained, and dusted with powdered suger. this notebook is my most treasured posession. i have recipes for stupidly simple things like frosting, to the french pastry paris-brest, which covers five pages. most, as i said, come off the internet, but i also have old family recipes and things i find in magazines and on the backs of packages. some i just copy down with the idea to make them someday. my notebook a record of the cooking i have down, and the projects i have undertaken, but it is also a history of my evolution as a cook and a baker. when i know something will be challenging, it is both exciting and deliciously frightening.
pulling out the ingredients makes me smile- first dry ingredients from the cuboard, then milk/eggs/butter from the frige.
and tonight i'm making chocolate cupcakes.