Oct 24, 2011 22:11
So it looks like I have a new primary care physician. Which is good, since it was one of the things I was going to be attending to the week of September 19, which is when I went into the hospital.
I'm comfortable with this doctor. I'm comfortable with his staff.
This is the first doctor who's ever asked about my sexuality. Marital status is part of the intake forms. I checked "single" During our initial discussion, the doctor asked if I was sexually active. I answered that much like drinking, I'm not not sexually active, but I'm not sexually active either. Later he asked if I had a girlfriend. I answered that I did not. He pushed, am I heterosexual or homosexual? I answered that I am homosexual. He asked if, when sexually active, I use protection. I assured him I do. I felt no judgement or disapproval from him.
Initially, I was concerned that I was sitting in the waiting room until 8:40am when my appointment was for 8:00, particularly since I was supposed to be at the wound care clinic at 9:00. During the visit, the doctor mentioned that he's in the office at 6:00am every day and takes walk in patients who have an immediate, but not emergency, needs. Getting 40 minutes behind when you've been seeing unexpected and sick people for two hours seems a bit more acceptable, and now that I know it, I can adjust my expectations accordingly.
I got the usual lecture on fat a lazy is bad for my health. However, I also got recognition that I'm intelligent and the feeling that this doctor respects me as a partner in my own health.
I'll be going back in a month. The doctor wants to check on the progress of my wound, which should be nonexistent by then, and we'll discuss the results of the blood work done today. He expressly stated he would refill any of my current prescriptions, which isn't the same as saying that he won't change anything once he sees my blood work, but as close to it as I needed at the moment.
One of the questions was "when did you last see a doctor?" I explained that lately I've seen more doctors than friends, only less doctors than family because I live with my family.