This is a photo tour of our new apartment!
Here is a teaser:
After walking through the hallway, and entering the apartment, you find yourself in the living area.
Walking to the wall ahead of you and turning left, you can see all the way to the dining area.
Turning to the wall behind you, you see a little accent of the gothic arched absesses in the wall.
Looking up further you see a window which can be seen better from the loft above.
Still looking up, you can see the rafter which is above the staircase, and the railing on the loft.
Let's head into the dining room! This is a wall that is filled up with tall skinny stained glass windows.
Turning around, you can see the kitchen, and a neat shelf absess thing in the wall, which is reserved for my record player. Also, notice the cute chandelier which has no electricity to it. It has to be candle lit. =)
Looking back at the stained glass windows...
And then looking up at the rafters and another stained glass window which can be seen better from the second loft.
Let's turn around and go back into the hallway. Looking left into the half bath...
And then right into the kitchen!
This kitchen is so awesome! I love the window thing, and the lights that dim!
Back into the living room!
Let's head upstairs, shall we?
Looking left at the entrance...
Up the stairs!
Looking up at the rafters as we walk upstairs.
Rafter detail...
Almost there... We can see one of the lofts!
The stained glass window makes the room very relaxing to look at in the dark room.
Entering my parent's bedroom.
Looking up!
That space right there is storage space. You need a ladder to get to it though. My room has one too.
A rafter.
Here is the view from below...
Looking down at the windows.
Let's go back into the hallway, and go see the bathroom. =)
Nothing special. Just a bathroom!
A bathroom in a CATHEDRAL! :P
Back out into the hallway...
Turning to the right... And looking into my bedroom! *_*
Looking up at the ceiling...
Looking down over the railing at the living room below.
Even further!
Another rafter...
That's it! ^_^
I will post more of the actual building and the surrounding area later. Hope you enjoyed. I'm overwhelmingly excited about moving in! It's going to be quite an experience.