Omar: The Largest Arabic Drama Production in History

Aug 04, 2012 08:12

Originally posted by inkedfeathers at Here, I translated the Omar TV series's promo for Umm Shamsa, but LJ complained about the length
Can I call you Umm Shamsa, ukhtee? I think it sounds cute!

So, now you're going to have to deal with a post instead of a comment! \o/

And, in case I cause confusion, no, I'm not subtitling or otherwise translating the TV series itself. Just this promo. x3;

image Click to view

But what is more important than that is that they convey the cultures of those people to the rest of the world. As those works aim, to tell the story of our history full of sources of inspiration. We are in the greatest need of it today.
Do we leave this chance to pens that are not our own or do we write down our history?

Writing on screen: "Arab society changes the form its thoughts take:
Presenting historical symbols as mental images to convey, while containing the balance needed for past and ??? future.
Uniting the dramatic presentations of the glow of those symbols.
Who shall do this?"

After the Prophet, peace be upon him, the character of Omar bin Al-Khattab is considered the one with the greatest effect on Islamic history.

The writing on the screen says much of the same for the first part, then adds "in addition, his Caliphate is considered the Islamic Golden Age due to its length and great effect.
And of its effects:"

And how can it not be? He was racing ahead of his time, for the new things that he brought in paved the road for the leaders after him.

Text reads: "When do you take people as slaves, when they were born of their mothers free."

More text: Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, said this and people repeat it until today. This was how Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, was ahead in so many aspects such as leading nations and societal matters.

It was he who transferred Islam from being a religion followed by some Arab tribes to an empire that spreads to what is today known as Afghanistan in the east, and to Libya in the west, and from Iraq and Sham in the noth to Yemen in the south.

And he was the first to bring the Quds under the umbrella of Islamic rule.

And in his rule, defeated were one of the greatest powers of his time, the Persian nation.

His effects were not confined to his conquests.

Text reads: As a Caliphate, he was the first to call to the gathering of the mushaf (the Quran as a book). Gathered the people to pray Taraweeh. Made the Caliphate a matter of shuurah ( discussion ) between a certain number.

End text.

So what is known today as the mushaf exists now because of Omar, as does Majlis Al-Shuurah (the Court of Discussion, a concept still used in our politcal world), and the Taraweeh prayers. In addition to prizes for memorizing the Quran and guards stationed at the borders, and the groups that accompany the army.

Text: As a Caliphate, he is the first who gave prizes to those who memorize the Quran, the first to send soldiers to guard borders, the first to send specified doctors, translators, judges, and guides to accompany the army.

More text: As a Caliphate, he was the first to create the registration book to write down the names of those in the army, as well as their (ranks? Salaries?).
Created storages for the medicine needed by the army.
Banned the destruction of Christian churches.

More text: As a Caliphate, he was the first to drop the compulsion of Jizya (compulsory tax on non-Muslims protected in a Muslim-ruled land) from the poor and unable to work of the People of the Book.
The first to give money from the House of Muslims' Money to the poor of the People of the Book. The first to take Jizya personalized based on each person's status in terms of how much money they make.

And of the most important things Omar left us, it is the Hijri calendar and the paving of roads.

Text: As a Caliphate, he placed a calendar for Muslims and set its beginning at the Prophet (peace be upon him)'s immigration. Paved the roads and because of this, his famous words, "If I accidentally fell on a mule in Iraq, God would ask me about her, 'why did you not pave her a road, o, Omar?'

Before he reverted to Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray for Omar's acceptance of Islam and after he embraced it, he strengthened and raised Islam.

Text reads: Following some Islamic sources, God responded to his Prophet's prayer where the latter said:
"My God, strengthen/raise the status of Islam with either of the two Omars: Omar bin Al-Khattab or Omar bin Hashim."

More text: From the ahadeeth of the Mustafah (peace be upon him) regarding Omar bin Al-Khattab:
"God made it so that Al-Haqq is on the tongue of Omar and his heart."
Al-Haqq is that which is correct, just, and true.

And after Omar embraced Islam, the Islamic message switched from being in secret, to being apparent/unhidden.

[[... you know, I realized a little too late this promo has no clips of the show until 3:48, so enjoy the history lesson. ^^;;;]]

Of the ahadeeth of the Mustafah, peace be upon him, regarding Omar bin Al-Khattab:
"If there were, in this, my ummah, updaters... and if there were of them in this, my Ummah, then he is Omar bin Al-Khattab."
"By He who my soul is in his Hand, I never found Shaytaan walking when he [Omar] came, without"[[... er, what basically means that the Shaytaan would part ways and find another path to walk on. I can't translate the rest accurately, but that's why Omar is called Al-Farouq. He makes a clear distinction between the paths of Good and Evil. I'll resume translating now.]]

God parted/made distinct (faraq) that which is Good and that which is Bad, so he (Omar) was called Al-Farouq.

MBC group is proud that this work will be an extension of what Omar brought us. So let us join together in rewriting the history of this Companion, to set what he achieved, so that he may be an inspiration for generation afte generation of youths.
So we'll become part of this story that our History will remember forever.

drama, epic, omar, message, history, islam, inspiration, tv, ramadan, caliph, muslim

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