Your result for The Beatles Lyrics Test...
You are 100% a Beatles Lyrics Master!
No categories here. Your percentage is simply how many you got right. Each question was worth the same amount.
So, if your score is low, then I recommend listening to some more Beatles music. And classic rock in general!
If your score is high, then great! Keep up the appareciation of good music.
Take The Beatles Lyrics Test at
HelloQuizzy Your result for Test Your Ideal Role in a Rock Band...
Ok, so you may not be Prince Charming and you couldn't give a toss about those fancy "scales", "chords" and other nonsense that the other band members always go on about, but who cares? This is a ROCK BAND, not the opera! And anyone who knows anything about rock, knows that once you get out of the comfy little studio and out on the stage, it's the drummer who makes the difference between "THEY'RE THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD!" and "They're ok, I guess, but they suck live...". So keep banging those drums! You're the spine of the band!
Take Test Your Ideal Role in a Rock Band at