Oct 20, 2008 14:20
SOO how out of touch is Sarah Palin and ANYONE that calls Baracks a "SOCIALIST"?? HELLO? Did you ever hear of a little thing called a 700 BILLION dollar bailout where MASSIVE WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION just occured and guess who got whose money? Anything Barack would implement will PALE in comparison to this. SO do you want to continue to live in some fantasy world where trickle down economics works and laissez faire is all the rage or would you like to GET FUCKING REAL. Joe the Plumber guess whose money all of those financial instutions will be using to rebuild themselves? ANd you think Barack is going to take your money? LAUGHABLE.
And HELLO? Can we please ...really please all of you brain washed tools start to just TRY though it may hurt your WEE brains to distinguish between philosophy class in high school's definition of socialism and what is practiced in say SWEDEN? Ot that Parts of our economy have been "socialist" for a VERY long time. There has been a private/public economy since MOST of you were born. Redistrubution of wealth is nothing new it is just Barack is SICk of the VERy rich always being the beneficiaries and how those who rail against Barack aren't is FAR beyond me. If what JUST JUST happened doesn't snap you out of your party hypnosis you are HOPELESS.
So I go to gym for stress relief and have to see Miss Alaska talking about socialism and making my blood boil at her ignorance. And the McCain's campaign's "FEAR MONGERING POINT OF THE WEEK".
Thank you Colin Powell for eloquently stating why Barack is the man to lead given the REALITIES of our world in 2008.