Oct 22, 2008 09:57
Max wrote this on his facebook page and I HAVE to share. Kids are SO cool!!
A Pain ful thinh led to something truly beautiful...whoda thunk.
I was chatting with a friend of mine. Right after they logged off i got up too quickly and suffered a hamstring cramp (ouch i know). well, while walking to get riid of the cramp, i stepped outside and thats when i saw something that truly baffled me. I saw the moon, only half full, but it had the most brillian golden yellow I've ever witnessed. The i saw something else that truly struck a chord, The Stars. I live outside of what i like to call the "Light Pollution Zone". The stars were so bright and abundant that i couldn't help but be paralyzed with amazement. The sky was so clear i could see parts of the Milky Way. I realized that suffering from insomnia isn't all bad. Because of my inability to sleep, i got to see two beautiful things in one evening, even if the price of admission was a hamstring cramp. :)