The Friday 5 - Randomosity

Jun 06, 2008 19:01

  1. if you had to participate in one olympic event what would it be and why? With my current skills, I'd better stick to something not too technical, like maybe the bobsled or something.  If I had the athletic capability, I've always wanted to be a gymnast.
  2. what is the one song you always sing along to? "You are my Sunshine" is one I can't not sing.
  3. do you wear a seatbelt in the car? ALWAYS
  4. car, suv or truck and why? Car -- better gas mileage, easier to park, and still enough trunk space to take things with me.
  5. are you a good/bad drive? explain (wow, great grammar today, guys)  I think I am a good driver because I've never had an accident and I like to think that I anticipate what's going on around me.  I have a good innate sense of direction.  However, I am told nearly weekly that I am a bad driver, so I guess it depends on who you ask?  I might be biased!

friday five

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