Sora became a master synthesist ?

Jul 23, 2011 11:26

Heee, the moogles are so cute :3 And I love this game. I spent the past hour or so defeating the Phantom and then blitzing through the rest of the Hades Cup, so I feel pretty awesome~ (The way I defeated Cerberus was super super cheap, but whatever, a win is a win!)

I'm determined to beat Kurt Zisa, but the Ice Titan and Sephiroth are really just pipe dreams, tbh XD So all I really want to do is get all the clock tower gifts and get to level 100, and that should give me at least in the 90s for completion percentage. I didn't think I'd enjoy this run-through so much, but playing for both the story and for all the shit you never did the first time around is actually a ton of fun :)

I haven't yet decided what I want to do with KHII. Since there aren't as many secret/optional bosses in that one, for me it pretty much comes down to finishing all the Paradox Cup stuff, which I don't think deserves an entire new game. I think I might just hijack my ~best game~ and run around for a while for the fun of it, but a whole new playthrough might have to wait.

As far as other KH stuff goes, I'm all caught up on the scripts for the other games and omg *____________________* This series is the best, and they need to hurry the fuck up with FF Versus XIII and get down to KHIII already because I needs it >:( Of course, I'm also gonna have to finally get a next-gen (or at this point, a next-next-gen D:) console, but I'll just cross that bridge when I get to it.

In the meantime, I should probably finish all those games I have that I either stalled out on or barely even began in the first place /o\ FFXII and God of War, I'm lookin' at you~ (And I guess Okami too, even though my guilt on that front will never go away no matter how much I play it ;____;)

Oh and I guess life is going ok too, but no1curr, least of all me, so.

games, kingdom hearts

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