We could hitchhike to Maine

Jun 15, 2011 19:25

So here's the thing: I LOVE being out of school. I don't miss the stress, I don't miss the papers, I sure as fuck don't miss the exams. I kind of miss the pset parties, but not the psets themselves. Nor do I miss the feelings of inadequacy and bone-deep terror that I will fail everything.

But I have to go to the microfluidics lab all the damn time, and when it's nice out like it was today, I walk around Stata rather than through it and am faced with something I never considered missing but now yearn for quite a lot: people just lying out on the grass, reading and napping and listening to music. Because god, I never consciously considered it that much but I fucking loved that about being a student. "Hey, I've got an hour till my next class, I'll go lay in the grass for a while! :D" Such a simple little thing, being able to flop down outside in the middle of the day, but it is something completely barred from me now that I'm in the Working World, and I want it back. I mean, good lord, no wonder so many people go on to grad school.

...not saying that being able to chill outside is a motivating factor for furthering one's education, of course, but you get my point. I knew there'd be plenty of aspects of student life that I'd be sad to see go, but this is such a tiny little thing and yet it gnaws on me every time I'm back on campus. I just...I want that freedom back :(

school, emo

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