Why am I still awake?

Mar 22, 2010 01:44

This petition: http://www.gopetition.com/online/34546.html

Currently has 10,005 signatures. It's been up for about two weeks now. I was signature #166.

I mean, it's not like it'll do anything, and what I really want is for SOI to cave and invite Johnny, and for him to say "fuck off", but still. It's the thought and the show of support that counts, right?

I don't know, it just makes me happy. Stuff like this is the reason I don't actually explode with anger after, say, reading the comments on that ESPN article. Or when I think about why Johnny had to call that super classy press conference in the first place. Or when some damn commercial for SOI comes on TV when I wasn't expecting it to and god, I did not need to see Evan doing a sit spin just then.

So yeah, even if it's completely ineffectual, it's nice to see people banding together like that.

And now I should really go to bed, because I'll probably have to talk to movie people in the morning, and I'll need some time to ease myself into that mindset.

lsc, teh gay, figure skating

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