And how is Evan swanlike, exactly?

Mar 22, 2010 21:18


Ok, orange bro aside, I think I just can't deal with Dancing with the Stars because I'm used to SYTYCD, and it's really uncomfortable watching people try to dance with people who can actually dance, but are playing it down to match their partners. Because it just turns out awkward, and I can't really pay attention to the dancing so much because it's bad, so I have to focus on other things.

Like the ridiculous tails on orange bro's tuxedo.

But that's neither here nor there. I think Evan's gonna go far, so it would seem that my days of watching this show won't be over for a while. I'm only going to watch his performances, though, because any more of that show would actually make me kill myself.

Good thing? BGJW marathon tonight! The new episode is at 10:30, and then I'll watch TDS because, you know, health care, and then I'll have to time Leno very carefully so I don't get exposed to more of the chin than I need to be.

The things I will do for the sake of an obsession...

EDIT: Daily Show's dark this week (apparently), so no go on that plan. And I'm waiting the next hour for Leno, because hopefully Johnny's first, and there's no way in hell I'm even muting the monologue, so we'll see.

BUT. BGJW 1x08 was EPIC. I would totally bang Viacheslav, and Johnny's abuse of his aunt was hilarious, as were the comments about Evan. "Quads can be soooooo tricky", like, omg - that was as perfect of a mocking as I've ever heard in my life.

No one in my lab group got back to me, so I think I'm just gonna hang out at home and watch Worlds tomorrow. It'll be good. Eventually I'll need to deal with this linguistics rewrite and pset, and start reading for politics, and at least LOOK at 044, but for now I'm content to sleep in and obsess over skating for a while longer.

I effing love spring break.

tv, school, figure skating

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