I take it all back - DST kind of rules

Mar 17, 2010 22:20

The upper lights on the Pru are usually blue, but tonight they are green. I love Boston.

Got my CD today. I'm trying to ignore the fact that I have basically paid $8 for a single song. Trying really, really hard. I mean, I figure I deserve to spontaneously purchase something at least once in my life, right? And it makes me happy. So there. Yeah, ok, it was kind of REALLY EFFING STUPID of me, but...I just want to be able to listen to a clean copy! And it does not exist on the internet! So I did what I had to! ...right? *sobs*

052 test tomorrow, which is worth 35% of our grade. Yeeeeeeeeeah, I think you can probably tell how I feel about that. I need to figure out my formula sheet tonight, since we only get one side of a page. I'm mostly trying to focus on the fact that once the test is over, there're only four hours of lab separating me from my mom and puppies.

But I still need to study.

...god damn it.

money, music, whining, school, boston

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