Why does The Bachelor even exist?

Mar 02, 2010 09:34

I currently have half a page of my two-page trifle completed. I should be focusing on this with my full attention, but I'm trying to watch Regis & Kelly (muted) with one eye so that I don't miss a second of Princess Weir. This obsession, it is slowly destroying me.

(Although if I'm already there...OMG, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! The reason why Larry King is Dead To Me is because the last thing he asked Johnny in his, like, 2 minutes of airtime, was what Johnny thought about Evan being on Dancing with the Stars. Like, bitch please, Larry. For one thing, how fucking rude can you get? You were already ignoring him in favor of that stranger bitch skier, and then you spend his last few seconds on air asking about his ~archrival~? How the fuck do you think he feels about Evan's imminent dancing? Do you honestly think he cares? Ugh. So that was a fail, although Johnny's laugh when Larry asked him the fierce question was possibly the cutest thing I've ever heard/seen.

Oh, and I'm kind of sad to see all the haters slowly turning into Evan tolerators, because the hating was just so. damn. funny. I might have to tune in once to see the mongoose dance, because I'm hoping it's insanely awkward, but yeah, I miss the epic Twitter posts already.

And also, Lambiel is fine as hale and he's got amazing hair, but...come on guys, Swangoose OTP for reals! Just sayin'.)

Ooh, commercial break! Johnny's next, yay! And then maybe I can finish this damn paper before 5:00.

fandom, school, fangirling, figure skating

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