Larry King is DEAD TO ME

Mar 02, 2010 00:56

Is it irrational of me to get slightly angry every time a sentence like "the man likes the woman" shows up in a linguistics class? I mean, I understand why something like that is useful in an explanation of parsing strategies, containing the basic expectations that it does, but at the same time it just makes me think "fuck you and your heteronormativity!" And then I want to cross my arms and glare a little, but that would be ridiculous. Anyway, just a thought.

I'm thinking about linguistics mostly because I have a paper due tomorrow. It can't even rightly be called a paper, to be honest, seeing as how the required length is more than two, but no more than four pages. Like...what is that? A niblet? An aperitif? Either way, it's nothing worth angsting over, and yet I have only a single sentence written. I suppose I should be glad that it's due at 5, but, you know, lab time. So I have to do it tonight, but my brain right now is just

1. Awww, my friends are being all sweet on Facebook :3
2. I'm kinda tired
3. Unf, Johnny Weir
4. LSC is stressful sometimes most times
5. Hey look, an unsuccessful attempt at a flame war!
6. Unf, Johnny Weir
7. Can't wait for Lost tomorrow
8. I should write up more for 052/044

Basically, it's not going so well. I'm more annoyed with myself because my whole thing for this semester was to attempt some self-discipline, and then the goddamn Winter Olympics had to happen with this goddamn gorgeous figure skater who I just goddamn fell in love with. And I really not care about this paper, or the test on Thursday, or the other test next Monday, or anything school-related at all.

Sometimes I'm afraid that I don't actually want anything out of my life. Well, I'd like to travel, but that's not really the same thing. I just can't think of any job that would make me happier than just living in some tiny room somewhere with a TV, PS2, and computer. And, if I'm being really honest, that scares me. I'm too young to just give up, right?

Ugh, now I'm fretting. Which, on top of the obvious procrastination, is not helping this paper get written at all. I hope this isn't the first all-nighter of the term, but between my mental block and the amount of people drinking and talking and laughing very loudly in my neighbor's room, it's starting to look like it will be. How unfortunate.

whining, school, random, emo, teh gay

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