Slipstick, slide rule, MIT!

Sep 22, 2009 22:18

Ugggghhhhh, I want someone to do linear algebra and ceramics for meeeee :( It's not that I can't do them both if I just apply myself, but I don't want to do that right now. Fml.

I've been trying to play the flash version of Portal again, 'cause it's really fun, but it keeps getting all frozen and laggy and lame, so that kinda kills the awesome. And then there's the part of me that just wants to play KH2, or, god forbid, keep going with P4, since it's been ages and all.

But no. Psets call. Bleh.

Oh, I guess one good thing happened today - job started, and right now it's mostly Excel manipulation shit that I can do happily for hours. Which I will be doing for hours. 13 dollars an hour, in fact. (I'll admit, that last part is a significant contributor to the happiness.) I also have a W3C account, so that's cool.

Oh shit son, totally watched Sunday's Mad Men tonight, damn. Awesome Britishness and title puns and awkward and weird!Don and NOOOOO JOANIE YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR THAT FUCKING SUCKY DOCTOR RAPIST and, like, lol, poor Sally's being haunted. But yeah. The scene with Don and Joan just made me ache so hard for them, because GOD, they'd be so fucking good together (and I don't mean romantically, though that would probably be smoking). And Joan's just fucking perfection anyway and I love her and I hate to see her so sad and MEN STILL SUCK, fuck that bit last season. I also love Roger's sporadic appearances, because he's also so fierce. Needs more Sal though ('cause seriously, he still hasn't gotten any and I want him and Ken together so bad). Um. Mostly I just wanted to talk about how amazing Don and Joan were in that scene. (And seriously, Joanie's fucking hardcore with that first aid knowledge, all "outta my way bitch, I've got a tourniquet to apply" and everything.) And, like, in case you couldn't tell by now, I've got a massive fucking crush on Joan, so, you know, yeah. Love her. And her clothes. Like, damn, those dresses are awesome. Oh, and I totally want more Joan-Peggy friendship, because they could still help each other so much! Joan is better than being a housewife for some douchebag of a non-surgeon.

Weird!Don is still freaking me out, though. I mean, don't get me wrong - I was pissed at him for almost banging that stewardess - but it's just not right if he's suddenly this terrific father and, like, wanting to go to London or whatever. I don't know what I want from his character anymore, but it's not quite this.

Yeah, so, that's wasted a good chunk of time. I should probably start tooling now.

...although, by this point, there's only another half hour till TDS, so...

God, I'm hopeless.

job, games, tv, whining, school, fangirling

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