That's what happens to people like that

Sep 26, 2009 10:06

First and foremost, fuck Dan and fuck Baker. If it weren't for those bastards, I wouldn't know that "Party in the U.S.A." exists, but I do now, and...fuck, the chorus is just so catchy. I'm so annoyed with myself. I mean, I will openly admit to loving "Breaking Free", but this is a fucking MILEY song. God, so ashamed. But if I know anything about myself, it's that I'm a sucker for synth. Which means that Miley Cyrus has now been introduced to my iPod. God help me now.

And now for something even dorkier and more embarrassing than the above! This morning, I woke up before 9:00. The reason? 4Kids started showing DM again a month and a half back, and I was determined to watch it this time. Overslept a little, but 8:30 was more than enough time for a shower, and the whole time all I could think was how much of a nerd I was. But then, you know, that opening started, and I can't remember when I've been happier, so it was all right. A lot of that stemmed from the fact that it's been, like, four years since I saw YGO on my TV, but most of it was just that, you know, the dub is so comforting to me. Don't care how bad it is, I'll always adore it ♥

We're going to visit my grandmother again today, but mom promised they'd bring Yoru, so I get to see my Chan-Chan!!! God damn, I really miss him (and the rest of them) sometimes. I mean, don't get me wrong - I always miss them, but every so often it's way more acute and I just want to be around them so much it aches.

So that's this afternoon, and tonight's the Course 3 party. Or, I guess I should say the Course 3 2011+ party (the + is because it's more about ~our group~ than any particular graduating class). Not really sure what to expect, but I'm excited nonetheless. I do hope Jose and I head over together, though, because Safe Ride still mystifies me. People laugh, but really - I'm not West Campus. What do I need the fucking Safe Ride for?! (Heh, that's another thing about Course 3: so fucking West Campus. There are only, like, 3 of us who are EC/EC-inclined? Plus this other girl who's not really Course 3, but a MechE who's pretending. It can be a little tiresome sometimes.) BUT ANYWAY! Party tonight. And then tomorrow there's going to be tooling. And LSC, but mostly the tooling.

Mmmmkay, I'mma let you finish go play some KH2 now, because it would make me happy, and I'm trying to focus on making me happy these days. Peace.

music, ygo, people, puppies!, dorky, mit

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