Who cares, let's pretend that it's Sunday

Feb 28, 2009 00:10

Here's a spot of random nerdiness: There are many offices along the Infinite, and these offices have doors with names and such on them. One of these doors (for the Office of Whosit, near (in?) Building 8) has four names on it. The first name listed is one P. Rosser. Seeing it never fails to make me grin dopily.

How's that for pathetic fangirlism?

Elsewise, 9am labs suck balls, but will be over soon. Work needs to commence at some point. Probs not till Sunday, though, because I'm doing 3.021(/1.021/10.333/18.361/22.00/YAY ENGINEERS!!!) with my group tomorrow afternoon and then I'm LSC-ing...again. Ugh. Still haven't made a decision about Bad Taste, but people are camped out for it already in Lobby 26. Oh MIT, never ever change ♥

Still haven't watched newest Lost, am missing last week's FotC, and am too tired to watch QI before bed. Did finish Oz and James Get Drunk Round Britain and Make Entirely Transparent Sexual Advances Towards Each Other, which was great fun. Also downloaded, watched, and deleted the first episode of Kuroshitsuji, because it irritated me too much to give a proper chance. Like, I didn't have high hopes in the first place, but aside from the fact that it was just (stylistically, at least) Ouran with more omg!demon-ness and ~mysterious past~, my brain kept butting in like "That's not how butlers work. That's not how manor houses work. That's not how England works! OH JESUS CHRIST, HE'S NOT A FUCKING BUTLER STOP THIS MADNESS!!!" So yeah, that series wouldn't have happened, no matter how much people seem to go on about it. I suppose P.G.'s ruined me for Japan's English stereotypes forevermore. How interesting.

Erm. Wossy's made me slightly less excited about Watchmen, to the point where I'll probably wait a few weeks to use my free movie ticket rather than going first weekend. Am still looking forward like wo, though. I'm also starting to get the feeling that if I didn't love darling Stephenf so damn much, I'd really, really hate him. Lucky fucking bastard.

Picked up a book on language acquisition and psycholinguistics at the book sale for a buck; actually find it quite interesting, and would be thoroughly engrossed if I could only find the time. But alas, I cannot. Because there are yet more shows to watch, and I need to save Naoto in P4, and I'd been somewhere in the Wodehouse again, and I'm still in the middle of that one Peter Wimsey story, and on top of all that stuff that I want to do, there is school and associated grossness which waits for no man. So. Awesome kid-speak will have to wait, sadly.

Mmm, I've no idea what I wanted to do with this post anymore. I'm all sleep-muddled. Terribly sorry for all the text if it doesn't make sense. Will be asleep soon.

tv, random, books, dorky, fry and laurie, school, movies, mit

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