AeroAstro hates popcorn machines

Feb 24, 2009 00:37

Apricots are the devil :( But they are good for iron and I have next to nothing else to eat and I need to stay awake.

Am sadly still looking for distractions, even though I've reached the punting point of no return. The paper is due at noon, and I've got nothing. Well, I've got a title-less title page, but other than that, nothing. And here I am, refreshing Webmail and ONTD and Wossy's twitter like that's gonna save me. Pathetic.

*deep breath* Let's think about this rationally. Livy was all like "hey bitches, this shit totally happened! And even if it didn't, you should def do what the good people did 'cause lately y'all suck f'real." That can't be hard to stretch to 6 pages, right? RIGHT?!?

Christ, why do I even fucking do this to myself? Thank god there's no 022/024 recitation tomorrow, 'cause I'll need a break. Even if I'm working, it won't be school, and that'll be a fantastic thing. (Also gotta do movie stuff, but that's just emails at this point, so I refuse to let myself get anxious about it.)

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Ok. Writing now. Just after I check on my simulation one last time...

EDIT: Proof that I shouldn't write when I'm this tired - I just tried to portmanteau "momentous" and "monumental" into "monumentous", and it took me a trip to thefreedictionary to figure out why spell check was screaming at me. I am sooooooooo fucked.

EDIT (much later in the morning): I've got nearly 5 full pages of a 6-7 page paper. I just need two, maybe three more paragraphs to push it onto the sixth page. (Yeah, don't really care about accuracy at the mo.) And I actually slept, too! Apparently the sleep woman from Medical was right that the first 4 hours are the most critical, because I don't feel tired at all, and those 4 hours are all I had.

Looks like I'm skipping badminton, but whatever. I can make it up at 1:00 thanks to the wonders of lab week and everything'll be right as rain. Then I'll have an hour to print + do minor writing-up of 3.021(/1.021/10.333/18.somethingorother/22.00) to be joined with Anne and Kirsten's parts at 3:00. And then there's reading for linguistics and I really should do the report for yesterday's lab and I have to print out tomorrow's lab and read for that and do lsc-sched rearranging but in general I'll be done! Yay!

All right, it's 10:10, I've got just thismuch eking out left to do, so I'mma go do it. Peace out.

whining, school

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