Remind me I'm here for classes at some point, would you?

Sep 09, 2008 19:29

MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Whenever I finish a Wodehouse book, I'm left with the most supreme feeling of pure happiness in the world. Can't really say why. They're funny as hell, of course, but this is just a soul-encompassing, delightfully aching joy that I haven't managed to find anywhere else. Thank god he wrote so much - I don't know where I'd be if he only wrote the one (or two, or three) saga(s).

Context: I just finished Thank You, Jeeves, which I suppose was always checked out last year, because I firmly believed that Hayden didn't have it. Which just goes to show, it's always worth looking again. I mean, once I saw how ridiculously vintage all their Conan Doyle was, I was ready to leave and hie for the BPL some other day, but I thought "eh, let's have a look anyway", and imagine my mind-boggling delight when I found it.

Of course, I've read it now (lovelylovelylovely and full of so much of their relationship and their world I could burst), so I just have to heave a deep sigh at the knowledge that I've only one left. At least Jeeves/Joy is the story that I've been spoiled the least for, so it's fitting for it to be the last one I read. It's just sad, is all. I plan on buying them all - in fact, I've already got two of them - and reading them again whenever I like - which is often - but...there's just never anything quite like the first time, is there?

Well, anyway, that's enough melancholy for one night. When they're done, they'll be done, and that'll be that. There's no use getting worked up about it now, at any rate. And then I can finally give Psmith and Blandings the attention they deserve.

I guess I should go emo at 3.016 now.

jeeves and wooster, fangirling, books

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