Chainsaw Guy is made of fail

Jul 03, 2008 00:32

I have amazing friends. I really, truly do. I love them and I love spending time with them and I love just about everything to do with them (excepting the problems that all people will have with other people from time to time). I just wish I could make new ones, is all, because freshman year was not a little lonely.

Saw Iron Man for the fourth fucking time tonight. RDJ remains a hot bitch. Yarden maintains that he is sexy but not hot; she is clearly mistaken. We somehow managed to not watch Batman Begins for the second day in a row due to having brought along Resident Evil 4.

Now, if you've never done survival horror before, as I hadn't up until last Saturday, chances are RE4 is going to fuck your shit up in a major way. You get accustomed to it as you play, of course, but it takes a while for the "creepy ambient musi-OHMYGOD IT'S A ZOMBIE KILL IT KILLIT APSODIGHPOAHGOIHERWGHAPODHGFPOAIHPGFOHAPOEHAPOIHJFP" to turn into "oh, don't you wave that pitchfork at me, missy!" Buckets of fun, though, so long as you have someone there to share the whole experience with.

I'm really glad I decided to give Mad Men a proper chance. I watched the pilot and was struck by the atmosphere and wicked sharp sets and costumes, but otherwise I wasn't wowed. On a whim, though, (and not at all because it got such amazing reviews) I downloaded the rest of the season, and lo and behold! It's turned into a pretty good little drama right before my eyes! If it's got a fault, then it's more than usually stretched out in terms of plot; I'd call it a slow burn if it didn't feel just a tad too slow at times. But I'm at the point where it's really hit its stride, and it's quite satisfying to see all these little things start to play out.

Oh god, I have so much to watch. My external is ridiculously full of things. I'm even deleting some stuff as I go along (QAF and Mad Men, for instance), but it's still got less than half of its capacity remaining, which makes me kind of sad. Irrational, I know, because the point of the external is to make it so that I don't have to keep track of things like how much space I have left on my C: drive, but still. I enjoy the security of 200 free gigabytes. So why am I downloading over six gigs of Never Mind the Buzzcocks?! The world may never know.

games, tv, computer stuff, people, movies

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