Episode II: Kilomaju and the Plight of the Turtles

May 12, 2005 07:12

We find Kilomaju running from his evil arch-nemesis, Bobjimagil, AGAIN (AGAIN), when he felt the Force, or was it Deja Vu (?)? These intriguing thoughts caused him to stop running, which in his case is really stupid (DUH!).

"Wow," thought Kilomaju. "How intriguing!"

Kilomaju stopping gave Bobjimagil an opportunity to ge a really good rest, which in HIS case is also very stupid. Noticing his Nemetoad-brained Nemesis was taking a Non-deserved break, Kilomaju ran off, very inconspicuous (GASP!).

"He's gone?" said Bobjimagil. "How INCONSPICUOUS!"

In his escape, Kilomaju laughed *laugh*, and in laughing, naturally, his eyes were closed *close* (NATURALLY.). Having his eyes closed, he couldn't see, and therefore bumped into the bunch of small, very cute turtles *bump* (GASP!......AWWWWW.).

However, suddenly (great...), these turtles plighted *plight* (Wait...what's plight?) I don't know. It just says 'they plighted'. (Oh well...).

Anyway, "!@#$!#$%!!!" Kilomaju said. "These !#$$# turtles are PLIGHTING! Wait...what's 'plight'?" he echoed (HE MUST NOT HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION). Yes, he's a retard. Kilamaju, nobody here knows or cares what 'plight' means.


Seeing the emargency of the situation *see*, Kilomaju reacted quickly *ract*. "Wow!" shouted the turtles. "What a REACTION!" (WOW SHOUTING TURTLES!). It was all very exciting.
After an AMAZING reaction, he ran (Deja vu...again), looking for an even more adventurous adventure.
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