Jun 17, 2003 13:06
So everyone who has read my Journal recently asks me... "are you depressed?" The answer is "NO" and the previous entries have been misinterpreted. What I have written about is simply a recognition of a period of enlightenment in my life. Things that I have been given the eyes to see differently for the first time. A new understanding and outlook on life and the way I have been living it. Questioning my priorities and my relationships with others.
This is the farthest thing from being depressed that I can think of... the exact opposite per say. I'm happy at the prospect of putting direction, drive, and purpose back in my life... and to inspire those whom I interact with to do the same.
And now I feel compelled to break down my poetry from the last the entry and explain it.. only because I had so many responses from people thinking that I am suicidal....
"We have one life,
What we do with it,
Is OUR OWN choice"
Were living this life once, what we do with our limited time on earth is not our destiny, but our choice... Every opportunity available to us has been left wide open, it is our choice to act on it, and embrace everything life offers us.
"We strive for acceptance"
Every one of us lives to be accepted. Even if that acceptance comes in the form of an alternative lifestyle.
"When we find it,
We embrace it"
Once were given that taste of others accepting us, we take the bait... We turn into something were not, because that is getting us accepted by our peers. This can be developing a facade to hide behind, and all it does is allow others to accept us not for who we are, but for who they want us to be.
"We want an understanding"
We always want to know whats going on with everyone else.
"We want to be understood"
Even if we go to drastic measures to prove our points.
"We fail to understand"
We don't look at all the factors in any situation... we look for an easy way out, and we take it. We don't understand ourselves, not only what we want, but why we want it. We live life clueless to everything in our lives.
"We hate difference"
We don't like things that are different then we are.
"We love difference"
We love to be different than the way things are.
"We live indifferent"
We don't care to recognize diversity and embrace its opportunities... we can learn so much from our opposites... but we fail to recognize them.
"The way we live,
Is the way they live,
We are dead."
If we (your individual self) live the way they(anyone besides you) lives, we are dead. We must live for ourselves, or we aren't living at all.
That's not the writing of someone who is depressed... rather the reflective writing of a young guy who has recently been given a lot of alone time, and a chance to see the world for the first time.