"'Analog'? In that case, the robots should have been built with vacuum tubes."

Jul 16, 2013 22:27

After much anticipation (not to mention juggling our schedules to accommodate a 5:00 show), the Lump and I finally saw Pacific Rim. I went in with very low expectations (need I mention Transformers 2: Revenge of the WHAT IS THIS CRAP?), but emerged pretty dang pleased with it. (I also found myself saying things like, "Did you see that robot? Did you see that monster? Did you see where the robot punched the monster in the face?")

Naturally, Pacific Rim will not win any Oscars. It will also not win any fifth grade science fair prizes. For more commentary on that matter, please refer to my brother, who majored in electrical engineering.

All that aside, here are a couple of things about PR that made my day:

1) Idris Elba. Let me say that again... Idris Elba. He owns every scene he is in.
2) Charlie Day. Yes, he can be a little hyper (the Lump thought he was kind of annoying), but I am a fan.
3) Burn Gorman. He is British, he is uptight, and he saves the day with SCIENCE.
4) I really thought the main character was the same guy who played Sam in Tron: Legacy. Wrong.
5) Ron Perlman did not get enough screen time, but he had some kickin' shoes.
6) I actually enjoyed the human stories, especially Stacker and Mako's.
7) Robots punching monsters. Yes.

Best of all, there were maybe twenty people in the theater, and none of them were jerks.

Afterwards, I bought us dinner at Red Robin. The Lump had never been, and was still singing its praises when we got home. The dude loves a BBQ burger.

movies, rl

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