Nov 01, 2005 00:00
Ciara, Heather and I are changing our majors to Pre-Dental. Ahaha, no, just kidding. We just spent the evening shoving a flashlight down Heather's throat and discussing her wisdom teeth. We googled wisdom teeth and confirmed that Heather's wisdom teeth have partially erupted and we attempted to ascertain whether they were horizontally or vertically impacted. No such luck. However, I believe Heather and I need to see a dentist who actually knows what he is doing because our last one obviously didn't. "Your teeth are shifting!" No shit Sherlock, that's what teeth do when they are being shoved around by big mean wisdom teeth, which you coincidentally failed to notice were erupting. Good Lord.
Lindsey Braithwaite knows my assassin and refuses to give me any clues or answer any of my questions. Grrr. So I am now extra paranoid.
much <3,