Happy Birthday, Yokoyama Yuu~!

May 09, 2010 02:55

Countdown DVD notes

Fine, I couldn't resist, I watched my Countdown DVD starting around 1:00 am. Gahhh Eitoooooo. I missed you~~~! Welcome Back into my life~!

Again with my "Arashi? Who are they?" phase. XD Just a quick background: I've been watching so many Arashi shows lately because there are sooo many Arashi subs out there, and I have most of the subbed shows in my hard drive already. In contrast, there are very few Eito subbing groups, and I get a headache when I try to watch the unsubbed eps of some of their shows, especially Janiben. I can't understand much Kansai-ben, sadly. :( Plus, now that I'm working, I don't feel like stressing my brain out trying to understand something w/o subs.

Warning: spoilers ahead!!!

- When the intro cartoon started, I got so high I was surprised at myself. I mean, hello, they're not even there, it's a cartoon! But it was soo cute <3 I loved cartoon!Hina's teeth. >D or should I say (-v v -)

- The backlit Eito coming out = <3 Kakkoii~!

- Let me just say Rolling Coaster is not one of my favorite songs. It's fine, but not at the top of my list. Yet, when they started singing Rolling Coaster I felt like I was gonna start crying. I don't know why... I guess I just missed them that much. <3

- I just have to say the white microphones stand out a LOT more than the black ones. And for some reason I think of Mac or Wii when I see white things... (>.>)

- Gah, Ryo. This is a first, I actually like the way someone looks with stubble. <3 Ryo-kun CHOU kakkoiiiiiii~!

- Tacchon, I can't say it enough: I love your smile. <3

- Maru's last "paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn" for 2009, lol! I think Hina was just about ready to tsukkomi him. XD

- Dang, I forgot how much I like the songs in the Gift singles. After Christmas, I forgot to listen to them often.... I guess I'll start again. *pushes Jin and Arashi to the side*

- They're so cute with their colored top hats~! Ryo-chan seems to be enjoying acting cute! XD If he weren't so naturally cute, he would be overdoing it. (>.>) ...did that make sense? oh well. *brain broken by Eito*

- Ooooh, without the hats, Yasu looks like a boy~! Not a man, because his pants are too baggy and make him look even shorter. XD

- Ok, how blind am I? Ryo wrote "I love you like a fat kid loves cake", and I didn't even notice the word "fat"!!! Now I wonder where he got the idea of writing in English... *sideways glance at some of his friends*

- Brilliant Blue was cool~~! The shooting bluish/whitish flames looked so amazing!
I just have to say Arashi pulls off the sharp dance moves better (see Crazy Moon perf in 5x10 tour)...*bricked* but Eito did pretty well.

- Kyuu Jou Show was so Genki~! *moves along w/ the choreo*

- Subassan is alive and well. I approve.

- I see you, Tacchon and Yassu~! What are you doing? Kulit~ XD And Yasu was facing Tacchon while making the heart shape? Oooohhhh, nani kore? *snicker*

- Uwaaah Tadayoshi in Sukiyanen~! And the suns got an upgrade, huh? They have lights now...

- Hina was acting like a hyper kid, jumping around during Sukiyanen and Zukkoke. Meanwhile, Ryo-chan seemed tired, and would only act like a cute kid at certain points. Well, it was almost midnight, I totally understand why Ryo would be tired by then.

- Ok, I'm intrigued by the pictures on the screen during "10nen go no kyou no hi mo". I have a feeling they're showing nice pictures... I wonder there's a fancam of that floating around somewhere...

Ok, I should stop... but then TORN is calling out to me. (x_x) so I'll just watch TORN now, and the rest tomorrow, err, later.

- Guh. *brain dies* At first Tacchon's shades and Ryo's hat, shades, and...costume in general bothered me. I mean, I liked the old costume better, and when this one started I couldn't help but compare it to the one in 2008. This one looked more slapped together in a hurry, that one was pure smex. *nosebleed* But... well. TORN = smex after all. *nosebleed again* I forgot about the comparison somewhere in the middle and got caught up in them. Gah. And that thing at the end when Tacchon pulls Ryo-chan close and Ryo-chan winks is just... *brain dies* Now I want to see the "[Last Friends char] beats up Tsubaki Jun DV scene" from the 2008 summer con!!! *feels like crying about the fact that that concert didn't have a DVD*

- For some reason, though, this feels more like a serious concert. I mean, not a crazy, hastily slapped together concert, which I guess I was expecting, since it's a countdown concert and the Tokyo one is always crazy and all over the place. But...for some reason this gives of an even more serious feel than any of the other Kanjani8 concert DVDs. Maybe because of the mellow winter theme of many of the Gift songs? Or maybe it's just me?

Happy birthday, Yokocho~!

Don't think I've forgotten, because I haven't. I even watched Hidarime Tantei Eye right before watching the countdown DVD, AND both my calendars have Yoko's face displayed right now. It was kinda creepy because one of the calendars was right beside the screen, and Yoko was staring right at me from my screen, that calendar, the one hanging on the wall above it. (O.o)

Ooookay, what I DID forget was that it's also Yama-child chan's birthday today!!! (>.<)

Happy birthday, Yama-chan~!
お誕生日お目出度う, 山田涼介!

He's so young and yet so kakkoii, and getting even better as he grows. I'm looking forward to seeing how he'll be as he grows up. Happy Birthday, Ryo-chan~! (I read somewhere that he wants to be called this. XD )

picspam, fangirling, kanjani8

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