Saigo no Yakusoku ♥

Feb 20, 2010 19:00

Watched Saigo no Yakusoku last Saturday. Yes, that is the first time I've had the time, and inclination, to watch it. And just in the intro part, I "kyaaa"-d every single time an Arashi member appeared on screen for the first time. Well, except for Riida, who was in a maintenance uniform. But everyone else~~~~ *drool*

Especially MatsuJun~! Matsujun + Motorcycle + Domyouji-ish hair = *drooooooooollll*

And Shhooooooo-kuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn~~~~~!!!!! with glasses!!!!!!!!! (O-O)

....I just noticed that I really like it when I see (JE) guys wearing this kind of glasses. Like my major flail over Ryo-chan with glasses in Ryuusei no Kizuna. <33333
And ok, my office crush...and my newly developed crush... (>.>) and ok so my glasses look kinda similar, except they're pinkish-purplish

Everyone was so kakkoii~~~~!!! But... I just realized, I do not remember the names of ANY character in the drama. Except Kuroki Meisa = Yuriko...? right? *fails*

Warning: Slight spoilers ahead. Descriptions of their characters.

But Aiba's acting was...slightly off...? or maybe it was supposed to be that way. After all, I guess he's supposed to raise suspicion, ne? And it's funny that his character was slightly airheaded! Fits Aiba to a T. >D

And MatsuJun's hot-headednessssss~~~ *drool* every single time he did something arrogant and/or hot-headed and/or violent -- in other words, Domyouji-ish -- I'd sit up and pay attention, and sigh over him. XD Gah, what is it about Matsujun that makes him so attractive when he acts arrogant?! (*.*)

Oh, Nino. Uhm. Well, he was... Nino-poi. Computer geek, noticed the tiny Nino. And yes, I kyaaa-ed when I saw him in the security center, and his character is so good at what he does~! So Nino-ish.

Riida...the blank expression really works for you, ne? But yeah, I guess you were a little too calm to fool the old guy.

Aaaaand, Sho. Sometimes his actions were slightly too exaggerated, and there were points when he seemed kinda creepy, but... overall, I love. (<3-<3) Especially when he was in the all-black outfit, with the glasses. <3333333

Warning: Major spoilers ahead.

It's strange, but I'd forgotten the description/promotion/anything for this movie. So I didn't really know what the movie was, and for some reason I thought it was heavy on the drama. Maybe I got it mixed up with "Kiiroi Namida"?

At the start of the drama (like..during the intro), I said jokingly, "What if all 5 of them knew each other...?"

And we were thinking, what's with the emphasis on the clocks, and the time? And why was MatsuJun sticking so closely to Meisa? And why does Sho-kun seem to know a LOT about the girl?

But a lot of the other characters were suspicious as well. Such as Nino's NEW boss. And Riida's NEW cleaning crew companion. And...maybe even the girl Sho was trying to sell insurance to.
And of course, there's the fact that they were all there, on screen, while the masked terrorists were threatening everyone else. Including them. And the fights they had with the masked terrorists helped,as well, ne?

But it's amazing how important revenge, and/or getting the truth out, is to Japanese people, ne? They went THAT far, and they were willing to go to jail, just to get the president to admit that he knew that the drug he imported was dangerous for people with liver diseases. *recalls to Matsujun's violent outburst and drools*

It's a good thing that they gave themselves up to the police in the end, though. For a moment there, I thought the "we're willing to face the consequences" talk was all lies. But the Japanese media don't want to teach the public that it's ok to commit crimes, ne? So consciencious.


And I see danger signs:

- only watching Arashi shows
- listening to mostly Arashi songs
- melting whenever I see Sho-kun - on screen, in magazines, singles, etc.
- re-discovering my liking for MatsuJun
- thinking "Riida sugoi~", liking Nino's sneakiness, and being amused at Aiba's airheaded ways. >D
- needing more Arashi icons (>.<)

Oh, and my 1TB hard disk is about half full already~! Mostly because I copied all of zheinpathos"'s Arashi videos. Yet another bad sign, ne? (x.x)

I really shouldn't go there. I can't afford the goods. I don't even have a single Arashi LE, for goodness sake! Yna. Don't. Even. Think. About. It. Stick. To. EITO!!! (>.<)

arashi, fangirling

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