Falling for Arashi... uh-oh...

Sep 09, 2009 20:20

I'm really a bigger Arashi fan than I let on.

-Whenever there's a newly subbed Arashi no Shukudai-kun episode, I usually download it right away.
- I watch several subbing groups that sub Arashi stuff (like Stormy, Arashian, Taijiproject) so I can download interesting Arashi shows as soon as they're subbed.
- I even contemplated joining a subbing team...but I better buy a new laptop before that.
- I don't know how many times I've re-watched the AAA08 in Tokyo concert.
- While making my thesis, I listened to encouraging Arashi songs, such as "We Can Make It" and "Kitto Daijoubu".
- After my thesis defense, the songs I listened to were the Arashi songs in my ipod.
- Recently, I made a playlist of Arashi and Eito songs, which I now listen to very very often (it's almost the ONLY playlist I listen to whenever I turn on my iPod).
- The "Arashi videos" folder is the largest folder in my laptop. Yes, it's bigger than my Eito folder, partly because I burned some of the Eito videos but haven't burned the Arashi videos yet
- I'm currently downloading many, many Himitsu no Arashi-chan episodes.
- One of the main reasons I watch HnA and AnS (and GnA): Sho!fail. XD

And yet, there are so few posts in this journal about Arashi.

Well, maybe because... I don't feel like I know a lot about their early years. And I'm sooo late all the time. That doesn't matter as much in the Kanjani8 fandom, but for some reason I feel like it does in the Arashi fandom.

Plus, the only Arashi concert I'd watched before last night was AAA08. And now I've brought the count up to...two. While I've watched all of the Eito concert DVDs (though I watched Heat Up! and Excite! just last year).

And the only Arashi single I have is Happiness. While I have almost all of Eito's singles (except for Zukkoke Otokomichi, which I'm getting soon) and all of Eito's albums and even their mini-album.

It's so much more difficult to keep up with Arashi's releases! Even if they suddenly stop releasing (which is pretty unlikely), I still haven't listened to their old singles and albums that much. Not to mention their DVDs. *dead* the "few" 116 Arashi songs I have on my laptop alone would take 8hours to listen to! O.o

But it's undeniable. I'm an Arashi fangirl. Sho-kun is trying to wrest the #1 spot from Tacchon, but Tacchon is holding on, thank goodness. And Ryo-chan is back in #2, because I suddenly felt this overwhelming concern for him when he got sick. yes, I know I'm weird. So Sho is...either in the #3 spot, or sharing the #2 spot with Ryo-chan.

Well, I haven't let go of my Eito fandom, neither do I want to. especially considering what I spent to get my hands on their LEs!!! And I don't plan on collecting Arashi stuff yet?! *bricked*. But I have to admit, Arashi is really amazing. 10 years is no small feat. Omedetou, Arashi!

P.S. yes, this is just a random, out-of-the-blue entry I wrote, because I realized that Arashi is taking over my laptop. XD

arashi, fangirling

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