New Additions to JE Shrine: F.T.O., Museknin Hero and Kanfuu Fighting LEs! ^__^

Aug 25, 2009 20:08

As usual, since new items have been added to my JE shrine, I'm posting pictures of the "shrine" with the additional items. XD And of course, Steph (ooaquamarineoo) and I enjoyed taking pictures of the just new stuff. XD

as Steph said, and I quote,
This is what an almost-complete collection of Kanjani8 singles and albums looks like:

More (large) pictures under the cut

Oh, if you notice, there are two copies of Osaka Rainy Blues. That's because I got impulsive...and ended up with two. >.< I'll probably sell the extra one...sometime.

The new additions that all came in one shipment are:

The 2 Musekinin Hero LEs (the RE is the one makro14 sent me as a birthday/Christmas gift <333 Thank you again, Agata-chan~! <3)

The 7 Kanfuu Fighting LEs

yes, I bought them all (x.x) k8rgy pointed out a seller on ebay who was selling all 7 as a set (*.*)

and because Steph wanted to, here are pictures of the Kanfuu LEs lined up with the sides showing

and, the last item in the shipment...
The F.T.O. LE

with the rest of the album/mini-album LEs I have. ^__^ The only LE album I don't have is the KJ2 one with the cards...which I have no plans of purchasing. I'm VERY happy with the CD-DVD version I have. The only album version I want which I don't have yet is the PUZZLE RE (preferrably the First Press RE).

And with that, the only single LE I'm missing is the Zukkoke Otokomichi LE. Which I'll get within the year, one way or another. *determined*

The next additions in my collection will be:
- Naniwa Iroha Bushi Kansai version
- Kanjani8 calendar 2009-2010 which I so stupidly forgot to pre-order, and finally won in a Y!J auction >.< I had to try 2-3 times before I won this one! >.<
- Spirits! DVD (according to the description in the Y!J auction I got a 1st press LE...? *has to check again*)

I got these three off Y!J auctions, and they haven't arrived yet. Partly because I just won them all last Sunday and yesterday. >.> I haven't even paid the representative bidder for them yet, since we don't know the total cost and shipping yet... I obviously bought them on impulse >.<
I do believe I have two Naniwa Kansai versions coming...?! If so...would anyone like to buy one of them? XD Just asking... ;)

I'm obviously addicted to buying. Darnit. And I can't decide which version of the PUZZLE tour DVD I'm going to buy~! I want both~!!! but...that's expensive (>.<) And anyway, both are REs, right? So it's ok not to rush...except for the fact that I'm a crazy fangirl who wants to have her copy NOW. XD

If I had to choose one just based on the current info available, I'd chose the Dokkiri version. But of course I want the Documentary version too. *sigh* If only they called one "LE" and the other "RE", it wouldn't be so difficult for me to decide! XD


And because Steph said it would be fun if we took pictures of the process of opening the PUZZLE LE...

(these pictures were taken when I got my PUZZLE LE, which was...more than a month ago, I believe)

Sealed PUZZLE LE (from different angles)

Open the box to see...the Kj3 sign ^__^ (It's more discreet than the placement of KJ1 and KJ2...)

lift that KJ3 flap to see

the "newsletter" in Romaji

and under that

the puzzle pieces in a plastic pack, and the CD/DVD case beneath it

This could work...

and the final display stage, with the puzzle assembled ^__^


btw, I gave in and created a twitter account! XD here's my profile:

real life, picspam, fangirling, puzzle, whatever, kanjani8

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