20 Questions...plus a few extra

Dec 24, 2008 01:57

I was inordinately pleased with being tagged for this meme by galaxy-namida yesterday, but I forgot to post this right away (too engrossed in my current addiction: Skip Beat manga)

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

01. What are your nicknames?
Yna, Cars, Manang Ca (siblings and cousins)
People who met me in college all call me "Carina" though...
I don't even want to say what my parents call me... *hides*

02. How do you style your hair?
Hmm, I usually tie it in a ponytail or put it up in a clip. When I'm home I put it in a bun.
On rare occasions, I leave it loose, and it comes down to my lower back

03. Do you need music to study/work?
Yessssss. Well, I'm fine without it if I don't notice that there's no music, but if there are many distracting sounds (I live in a dorm, so sometimes it's unavoidable) then I NEED music to keep out everything else.

04. How many colors are you wearing now?
let's see...5, if you count the print on my shirt and the trim on my shorts. If not, then just 2.

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Introvert all the way! I reaaaaally hate talking to people I just met. >.< I'm super shy that way.

06. What are you doing while filling out this meme?
reading Skip Beat (I'm soooo addicted!!!)

07.What was your last Johnny's purchase?
Happy Birthday LE, I believe...Oh, wait, I think I got my Myojo May08 later than that!

08.What was the last thing you ate?
walnuts, then cashews

09.What is your favorite movie genre?
comedies. I love not having to think while watching something! ^_^ absolute escapism, I know ;p
which reminds me of the time a friend and I went to see a comedy...for some reason he kept asking me if it was ok that we watch a comedy. I dismissed the strange sensation that he was worried that I wouldn't like them.
When we got out, he said "I thought you had no sense of humor, but I was so wrong! I never expected that you'd be practically rolling in the aisle with laughter!"
Well, I do have a serious image, but...no sense of humor? Boy, how wrong you are >D

10. What's your favorite dessert?
Chocolate~! I love cake too... ^_^

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Ummm, if you count waking up time, then it takes about an hour...if you don't, then I can be ready in 15-20 mins.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ! and my gmail account, for some reason... >.>

13. What was the last book you finished reading?
Uhm... I think it was Agatha Christie's "The Moving Finger"...or a "Lady Whistledown" anthology

14. What do you do to fall asleep?
play "Atsu hime" episode 4 on my ipod, then put the earphones somewhere near me XD

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
Rottara by Buono!
Sousei no Aquarion by AKINO from Bless4
"Munting Sanggol" composed by Ryan Cayabyab (a Filipino Christmas song. It got stuck in my head because the CD of Christmas songs I gave them keeps playing in the car.)

16. What's the last DVD you bought?
blank DVDs... XD
Well, when I went to Quiapo, I bought Boys Este, Stand Up!, and Becky's drama...

17. Have you ever done anything not many people have?
I've gone parasailing, does that count? xD
Oh, and I went hiking through mountainous terrain and walked in a river leading to 2 waterfalls in very slippery, not at all flexible platform sandals what the heck was I thinking?!?! Why wasn't I wearing slippers or some more suitable footwear?! good thing I didn't slip and/or get swept away by a flash flood, like some of our companions did >.<

18. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Very Rocky Road <3

19. What's the last movie you watched?
but if you're counting the dramas...Zettai Kareshi, yesterday, with my sister. I'm going to watch Ryuusei finale with softsubs later ^_^ (I still haven't watched it because I spent almost every waking moment reading Skip Beat Manga!!! >.< )

20. What are you obsessed about lately?
Skip Beat manga~!!! A friend recommended it, and when I started reading, I couldn't stop! I LOVE the main character's spirit of vengeance! She's actually similar to my ideal self (yes, I'm twisted like that)

and for some reason, I saw some drawings on the cover pages and suddenly thought "I want to cosplay gothic lolita sometime!" O.o eeeeh?

Extra Questions
I stole some questions, since galaxy-namida did this twice
*Where did you LJ handle come from?
Yna is a nickname a high school friend (the first time she used it, I said I'd never respond if she called me that! but eventually, I came to like it XD), and "oblivious" is a word I was fascinated with back in high school (I think it was because it's in the lyrics of "Warning" by Incubus). Plus, I am oblivious about some things sometimes XD

*.Do you have a crush at the moment?
Just JE crushes... >.<

*What's your morning routine?
I wake up around noon (often after >.< ) so I don't really have one.
But if I need to get up in the morning, (i.e. I have to go somewhere) I snooze my alarm several times, then when I finally get up I take a shower, eat some bread, change, fix my hair, check my stuff (I usually fix it at night so that I have to in the morning), then leave.

* What languages do you wish you spoke?
Well, I speak a little Japanese, but not so well, so I'd want to learn more ^_^
I also wanted to learn French before, but...now, it's been waaay overshadowed by my desire to learn Japanese darn all those pretty, errr, handsome JE boys~!!! Ikemen paradise! XD

*Do you swear a lot?
Not at all. In fact, it would be really rare and shocking for me to swear.
Unless you consider "oh crap" as swearing. I think I picked it up from a classmate of mine for the past 2terms

*Where would like your next holiday to be?
Japan~! but that's kinda impossible, ne?
For the possible ones, Boracay again~! ;p

*What made you happy today?
I had a massage tonight~! ^_^ it was good..
but for some reason my back started aching again when we got back home...probably because of my uncomfortable position in front of the laptop *bricked*

xwhimsyx, sirgallant, keepingcalm, annamarie114 (but she's so rarely online, so maybe I can add another one...? *bricked* XD ), sakuramushy27, makro14, misako_amaya, yuyako16

anyone else who wants to do this, feel free to steal it ^_^ *goes back to reading more Skip Beat manga*

Just remembered..I still haven't bought presents for my family!!! >.< my sister doesn't seem to be in the mood for shopping, either >.>

real life, meme, whatever, manga

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