Ryusei no Kizuna ep10: Finale

Dec 21, 2008 05:05

omg omg omg!!! I'm watching RnK finale (RAW yet again) right now. I typed as I watched the episode, so I kept pausing to type and screencap. Distracting, I know. But I can't bring myself to stop!!! I can't emote properly in this case! >.<

I didn't stop it during the first 15mins, though. But I went screencap-crazy for the rest of the episode. So much so that it took me about 2 or more hours to finish watching this 1hr episode.

WARNING!!! Extreme spoilers ahead!!!! This is the end of the series!!!

I suspect Kashihabara!!! Because of the umbrella that Togami said wasn't his. It has scratches on the handle, and Kashi used his umbrella handle to hit stones on two separate occassions in the 1st episode, if I'm not mistaken: once when he got to the Ariake crime scene 15 years ago, and one when he got to the crime scene on the day he went back to work after his son died.
For some reason I thought it might be him since last week, after I watched ep9, but I was wondering why in the world he'd kill the parents.

The reason I'm thinking of is because the two Ariakes are actually his kids or something?! That occurred to me just now because he changed his wallpaper from his son's picture...to their picture. Why would you do something like that? Change your wallpaper from your kid to some victims' children, from a case that happened 15 years ago?

Plus, he could definitely cover up, because he was the first police officer on the scene. (The wiped umbrella handle, other evidence he might have left)

But would that make sense? hmmm. I'm only 15 minutes into the episode, so I'll have to wait 'til later to confirm. And I might not have to wait long, either, because Nino Koichi's about to talk to him.

And...yes, Nino Koichi just accused him. How slow am I?! Apparently we had the same idea. Well, it probably occurred to him first.

MONEY??!?!?! It was for MONEY?!?!? ok,I'm just stupid! maybe it was guilt that made him put them both as his wallpaper.

I'm with Koichi, wth, you killed BOTH their parents for MONEY?! Because your kid was sick?! Did you stop to think what it would've been like if your kid lost BOTH his parents too?!?

Nino's a good actor! The fear on his face, and the shock when he realized that Kashi wanted to commit suicide, were quite convincing.

I want to know what's written on the paper they read to convince them of Kashi's guilt! Did he leave a confession...?

They heard a shot which didn't really sound like a gunshot to me, but what do I know? and...what could've happened? I don't think either of them was hit though
(call me shallow, but I like their expressions here)

They arrive on the roof, to find Nino holding the gun, and Kashi down.

Ummm, Nino, a hand shaking out of tension/fear/nervousness/anger does not look like that, unless I'm mistaken. That looks like deliberate shaking. The tremors should be kinda faster and more erratic.

I know because...my hand often shook whenever I had to speak in front of many people.

I think Tai volunteered to kill Kashi.

Taisuke saying something like he died that day too? Something about half his life being taken away or something...

And...Nino, why did your hand suddenly stop shaking when you actually had the gun pointed at him?! Koichi's hand would shake more if he had the gun pointed at Kashi than when he held it at his side!

Yes, Ryo Taisuke, I was wondering the same thing. Why did he get close to them after his son died? Because he had no reason for living, perhaps...?

Hmmm, valid question, Koichi. Kashi killed their parents so he could keep the money to pay for his son's medical bills, so did he cry when his son died? he better have!

O.o WOW Nino. Just looking at your teary eyes makes me want to tear up too. Sugoi.

...Kashi, do you really think that APOLOGIZING will make up for KILLING THEIR PARENTS and RUINING THEIR ENTIRE LIVES AND FUTURES?!?!?! Seriously. The mean part of me wants to kick his upthrust butt. Or shoot his hand. Or foot.

O.o omg RYO. Seeing Ryo cry makes me want to cry too! Darn. It's been a while since I've seen his crying face. and I liked his hairflip, but this is NOT the time to admire that, YNA!

...judging from Shii's tone...did she just spot Ryuusei?!

...yes she did. That's too unbelievable a coincidence. Fine, it's the drama's title. But seriously, what are the odds that there would be a meteor shower exactly 15 years later?!

and you know what? my reaction and Taisuke's were the same. "Fusakenda yo!"

And...Nino Koichi says their wishes will come true at that moment.

If I'm not mistaken, he's saying something like "live, and see the faces of the victims' children; live and see our unsmiling faces"....? *not sure, my Japanese is not so good*

...why does Kashi seem to be smiling a bit?! (I'm not sure if he really is, and if it shows in this screencap)

Heeeey, this scene looks familiar. Wasn't this the same as our first glimpse of Koichi in episode 1?

Oh. my. I just realized. Koichi confessed that they were SWINDLERS to the MURDERER. Would he reveal that to the police?! Uh-oh.

The Ariakes talk about the future. Tai asks what Koi plans to do from now on, and Koi answers "We'll stop swindling." Duh. Tai already knows that even if you don't tell him!

....What? I didn't understand what Taisuke said he wants to do. >.< did he say...he wants to be a doctor? I have no idea, I'm just guessing.
I do know that he told Koi not to look so worried, and that he's still young so it's ok.
Edit: Ok, I must be going deaf. I thought I heard Tai say "doctor", when he actually said "I'm thinking of turning myself in." Deaf.

Koi answered that it wasn't a worried/pitiful face, but a hopeful one. (I think)

Koi said the problem is Shii, because she's the only one they live to protect (or something like that)

And so they have a little powwow chat with Togami Yukinari. And I think Nino Koi and I had the same facial reaction when Yukinari said that he still likes Shii. But it's a movement, so no screencaps for that one.

And apparently Togami wants them to do something before anything else..? or so I think.

Koichi and Tai wonder what it is...

Darnit, the icky guy appears again?! Eewww. Well, I guess it's unfinished business.

Mmmmm, but if it brings back the hotness of Ryo with glasses, then I'm satisfied. ^_____^ and it's just fun to see him being all fidgety! >D And darn, they gave back the money?! X( I hope it's Togami's money!!! *bricked*

Apparently they're gonna give back the host's and teacher's money too....? I'm not sure though.

random: Ryo taking off his jacket and tie just made me happy, for some reason >.>

Togami Yukinari proposed to Ariake Shizuna!

That's not exactly a big surprise, but the ring kinda was! Is that the fake one? Or did he have the design copied, with real diamonds?

Well, it was, after all, the reason they met! XD

And Shii says yes (of course!)

Weird screencaps of the happy couple.

2010 (Two years later)

eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh??!!?!!? Is NINO Koichi in PRISON in 2010?!?!?!? iyaaaaaaaaa~!!!! :O

*giggles* Ryooooooo~!!!! errrr, I mean Taaaaaaiiiiiiiiii~!!! *squishes*

Apparently, Sagi lives with them now...?

And Nino got out of prison after 2years, and rode a bus...to Ariake~!!! Uwah, it looks good! Is that MONEY plastered all over?!

Koichi's happy and probably relieved! when he sees that it looks about the same as it used to. He left the design to his siblings, because he obviously couldn't do anything about it in prison.
Edit: apparently he said "leave a sign". another sign of deafness in Yna.

And apparently, it was all Sagi's idea to plaster everything with money.
Edit: and in fact the other siblings didn't know that he was coming home, because Sagi stole the postcard. And in the end, we still don't know where the heck Sagi came from >.>

Oh my. Ryo looks darn good in an apron for some reason.

Right when Koichi arrives, Taisuke asks for cooking advice. Apparently he took up cooking while Nino Koichi was in prison?

Taisuke: I'm leaving.
Shii: Ah, for your part-time job.
Tai: It's not a part-time job, it's a real job!
Edit:Well, the translator said "temp"...? but anyway, it implies something more serious than his "baito" before did...

And off he goes to work happily (Oh I love that smile~! ♥♥♥)

The happy family restaurant (I'm not sure if Shii and Yukinari are married or still engaged, though...)

and two important people who cared for them through the years

Togami: Mr. Shopkeeper, Hayashi rice, please.

Koichi: Sorry, we just ran out, ne....


Two pictures: past and present

Dang, Ryo's smile looks sooooo funny in the picture!!! ROFLMAO!!! XD

Wow, it's a happy ending! ^______^ the only thing missing is Tai's love interest, namely...STOP!!! *bricked*

All's well that ends well. The criminal was punished, Koichi was punished for the swindling idea, and when he got out, they established the Ariake restaurant again. And they all lived happily ever after. ^____^

Edit: Apparently, I was in such a hurry to leave for Simbang Gabi that I forgot to add the pictures of the scenes from 2010. So, I added them when I got back online ^_^

I love it~! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Taisuke, atashi wa akiramemasen kara, atashi no koto matte kudasai~! >D

Now, off to Simbang Gabi! ^_^

nishikido ryo, dorama, picspam, fangirling, ryusei no kizuna

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